Sunday, February 9, 2014

Winter Olympics

Watching Winter Olympics Mens' Figure Skating with the girls offered me much amusement.

Comments and conversations from the girls as we watched:

Upon seeing EVERY mens' contestant who entered the rink:
MADELEINE: Mommy?  I think that's a GIRL.
ME: No, honey, that's a man.
MADELEINE: But why does he look like a GIRL?

Eventually, however, she seemed to understand the contestants were male, as she wistfully dreamed of becoming one of them:

MADELEINE: Mommy, I wish I could be THAT guy who is skating and spinning around all over the place like that!

JULIA: Mom?  Will it ever be the summer Olympics again, like with gymnastics and swimming and all that?
ME: Yes.  The Olympics happen every four years.  We saw the summer Olympics TWO summers ago, so they won't be on again for another two summers.
JULIA: And how old will I be then?  Like, FOURTEEN or something?
ME: Well, you tell me.  How old will you be in two years?
ME: Right.
JULIA: And Madeleine will be six?
ME: Yup.  And the Winter Olympics will happen again in FOUR years.  So how old will you be then?
ME: Honey.  What's seven plus four?
JULIA: No, I thought I had to do NINE plus four!

I can tell she's gonna be a math whiz, just like her mama.

Following Julia's amazing math skills, Madeleine whipped out a stunningly accurate and astute memory:

MADELEINE: Hey, Mom, I remember when we went to the Olympics!  I was, like, THREE or something!

Yeah, you were, like, three or something.  And by "like something," what you mean is: it actually NEVER HAPPENED.

Before long, the girls decided they absolutely HAD to start imitating the figure skating moves.

JULIA: Mom!  Watch!  Look how many times I can spin around! (jumping up and completing a half-rotation in the air.)
ME: Greeeat!  Uh, one time!

A few moments later, Madeleine was also performing Olympic skating moves:

MADELEINE: Mom, watch this!  (flailing her body around and spastically performing a half-turn)
ME: Wow!  Amazing!
MADELEINE: (in awe of herself) I didn't even know how I did that!  As I STANDED on my TOES, I spinned!

The Olympic "skating" didn't come to an end when we went downstairs for dinner, either.  Madeleine put on a pair of slippers and began "skating" around the living room rug.

MADELEINE: Wow, Mom, I did six troopa loopas!  Uh, Mom?  What are troopa loopas?
ME: Um.  I have no idea.  Do you mean triple lutz?

Apparently not, because she was still doing troopa loopas a few moments later, when she gracelessly wiped out and crashed backwards into the couch.

MADELEINE: Ow!  When I was doing a troopa loopa, I, like, skated over to HERE, and fell on my BUM, in the rocks and DIRT!

Wait a minute!  Why are there rocks and dirt on the ice skating rink?  I call shenanigans!  Someone is out to get Madeleine! 

Probably Julia.  Because as Madeleine put it, moments after wiping out AGAIN: "I'm pretty sure JULIA is gonna win the gold."

Who needs to wait until 8pm for the next broadcast from Sochi?  You can see AMAZING Olympic feats right in my very own living room!

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, does this bring back memories of my own three olympians on the American Gymnastics team! "Mom look" holds a lot of precious memories!
