Tuesday, February 18, 2014


With the DVD release of "Frozen" a mere month away now, the girls are getting reeeeally excited to see the movie again from the comfort of our own home.  Both kids have been on a big "Frozen" kick of late, to the point that Julia has - shockingly - abandoned the writing of her "Harry Potter" and "American Girl" books, and has now begun work on this:

Anna and Elsa (aka the two main characters from "Frozen," for those who haven't seen it.)

Julia is only a few pages into her book, but so far it's a pretty faithful rendition of the movie plot:

"Elsa Elsa!"  "Go back to bed Anna."  "Elsa do you want to build a snowman?"  "Yur on."

"WEE" shoided Anna.  "AAH Anna your going to fast.  AAH.  Oh no Mama Papa come quick."

(While the sad event of Anna getting hurt during the magical snow-making is authentic to the movie, I certainly don't remember there being a black snowman of death in the scene.  Julia seems to have improvised a little harbinger of doom in her drawing.)

Of course, Madeleine can't bear to be left out of whatever Julia is doing, so she sat down herself to create her own "Frozen" book.  This one makes Julia's death snowman look like a cute little spring bunny, in terms of creepiness.

Madeleine's book:

I don't know why Elsa has spikes for eyes, or why she has a bloody ring all around and inside her mouth.  I do know, however, that the gray rifle-looking thingy shooting out of her arm is just her wintry magic.  Nothing to be alarmed about, folks.

Here, Elsa is singing while shooting icy magic out of her heart.  The fact that Elsa's hands have swollen to deformed proportions is only a *little* disturbing.

Now Anna is singing.  I have no idea why she has a warped ladder sticking out of her shoulder, however.  And clown feet.

Madeleine informed us that the letters at the top of this paper were the lyrics to Elsa's famous song, "Let It Go."  While "ILTTTOILITTTO" is a pretty close attempt at writing "Let it Go," it was still a little unclear, so Madeleine decided to have a grown-up write in the rest of the lyrics for her to make sure we knew exactly what Elsa was singing.

And speaking of... the girls can't get enough of the aforementioned song.  Here they are, belting it out like there's no tomorrow:

Now, despite the "Frozen" obsession, Madeleine did take a break from drawing Elsa and Anna to create this completely random work of art:

To the left you will see a bunch of drawers, with a sign hanging above them that, according to Madeleine, says "The bathroom is near the toilet."  Beside the drawers sits the little sister in a high purple chair.  The big sister is standing closest to the garbage and its cloudy odorous haze, and, as Madeleine told me numerous times, the big sister is saying, "Ew, what a disgusting smell!"

Why did Madeleine decide to draw a picture of rotting garbage and a bathroom sign?  I never have a clue what's going through that kid's wildly imaginative brain.


  1. The gray rifle-looking thingy , the icicle coming out of her heart and the ladder on Anna is just her CAPE! She has a sheer layer over her dress that I tried to capture in my picture which is why it ended up showing up in all of Madeleine's. Anna's cape has STRIPES on it. So if Madeleine made up some BS about it being her wintry magic she's lying!

    1. It was a cape yesterday on Elsa. But today I think it was her magic, or else maybe her magic was invisible and was shooting out of Elsa next to her cape??

  2. I thought the sign said "The bathroom is near the toilet"!?!

    1. it did. I can't keep her crazy ideas straight. I just fixed it so it says the right thing now.
