Monday, February 10, 2014

100th Day and More Madeleine Art

Julia's class will be celebrating the 100th day of the school year tomorrow, and to get in the spirit, the kids got to work on "Fun With 100" packets today.

For an example of the kind of fun kids can have with 100, here is a completed page from Julia's packet:

I'd love to have 100: hose's
Hmm.  Really?  I, personally, would want neither 100 hoses NOR 100 houses.  I mean, 100 houses would be a LOT of maintenance.  I would be fine with ONE house, in place of a condo unit.  But 100 would be a little crazy.  Unless Julia is thinking of dollhouses or something??  (In which case, 100 is still kind of extreme.)

I could collect 100: bunse balls
Sheesh.  I sure HOPE she doesn't ever collect 100 bunse balls.  I can't stand the bunse balls the girls already have.  One bunse, and the ball goes boinging off, never to be found again, usually eliciting tears in Madeleine ("Mama, I caaaaaan't find my BOOOOUNCY BAAAAALL!"  Plus, once we DO accidentally find them, they're always in terrible places that cause us to roll our ankles by stepping on them or incidentally kicking them at somebody or something.

I could eat 100: breid crums
Really?  She has a choice of eating 100 of ANYTHING she wants, and she chooses bread crumbs??  Not, like, M&Ms or something?  Bread crumbs??  Why not just turn herself into Auntie Shannon's dog Clara and eat the scraps off the floor from now on?

But I could never eat 100: balloons
Interesting choice.  Why would anyone even ever eat ONE balloon?  Why did Julia choose something completely non-edible?  It kind of defeats the point of the question.  Sure, there are certain foods we might like to eat, but not to excess.  For example, I really enjoy jalapeno peppers, but I would definitely not eat 100 in one sitting.  But balloons?  Who even THINKS of a balloon as an option to eat?

Aaaanyway, Julia's answers to the above questions may be a bit illogical, but she more than totally made up for it with her answer to the question on the last page of the packet:

If I had $100 I would: give it to the pore and donat it and give it to my mom and dad.

I honestly couldn't be more thrilled with her answer - and not at all because of the "give it to my mom and dad part."  I should point out that last week, Julia's class went to the Technology Lab to complete a project on what they would save money to buy, and her answer was pretty different from what she wrote today.  Apparently this past week's Sunday School lesson on The Publican and the Pharisee had a real impact on Julia's sense of material wealth!

Madeleine is not celebrating her 100th day of school, but she very studiously worked on some free art today nonetheless.  Among her finished products are:

Bad Santa

What appears to be an undead child from a Tim Burton movie, celebrating the birthday she never lived to see.

Uhh... A burglar?  A bandit?  Don Draper?  And FBI agent?
Madeleine explains: "Uh, that's a picture of LILY dressed up as a SPIDER for Halloween."
Oh.  I should have known.

A demonic skeleton-snowman
(MADELEINE: Oh, that's a picture of Lily, being a snowman, and she's like, "Hmph.  Can't FIND IT!")

I don't even know what to call this horrific creature with blades for hands.  I especially like the fact that you can see the outline of demon-snowman leaking through from the other side of the paper.

And, last but not least:

I don't think I even want to know what this family of ghouls is going to make a dinner-table wish for.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the bunse balls. I've definitely hidden a few of those over the past several months!!!
