Monday, February 24, 2014

There Are No Words...

So, Madeleine managed to wear two pairs of underwear simultaneously today, and didn't even realize it until 2pm.  Given that she obviously must have gone on the potty between getting dressed in the morning and her potty visit at 2 in the afternoon, it's a bit stupefying to me that it took her that long to discover the redundant pair of undies.

Then again, when I consider how easily distracted she gets when on the potty, I guess I'm not THAT surprised.  This evening, when she was supposed to be doing a very QUICK poop on the potty (partly because it was past bedtime, and party because Julia was waiting HER turn to get on the pot), Madeleine got herself wrapped up in embodying the character of Elsa from "Frozen."  This was going on for about five minutes behind the closed bathroom door before I even bothered to get out my video recorder:

I mean, that was some SERIOUS passion she threw into her singing.  No wonder she's too busy to notice things like two pairs of underwear.

At any rate, once she was FINALLY done and up in her bed, Madeleine didn't seem capable of turning her brain off for the night.  It was question after question as I attempted to give her some post-lullaby snuggles.  And the questions led to some REALLY out-there commentary, let me tell you.

Just a sampling of the babbling she did before I gave up on calming snuggles and left her to fall asleep on her own:

MADELEINE: Mommy?  What does "epic" mean again?
ME: It means, like, really huge and important.  Why?  Where did you hear that?
MADELEINE: Because two times Cheese Sandwich on "My Little Pony" says "Epic?"  Because he thinks the party and anniversary are going to be BIG and EXCITING!
ME: Yeah, well big and exciting are two other words you can use to describe what "epic" means.  It means like, really huge, important, exciting.
MADELEINE: So Mom.  If I say to you: "James and the Giant Peach" in LOWER-CASE letters, I would say to you "James and the Gi-...James and the... EPIC Peach."  Yeah, because it's big and GIANT!  But...what it's really called is in UPPER-CASE letters.

What an Einstein this kid is.  She is totally on the ball with her idea that "JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH" = "james and the epic peach."  From where does she GET this rocket-science brain powers??

Then we moved on to this topic:

MADELEINE: Mommy?  Why when Loula came to our church was she asking Julia all kinds of QUESTIONS about church?
ME: Because they don't really know much about our church.  They don't go to our church, and they don't really live very nearby our church.  They came that day because they were visiting their Yiayia for the weekend.
MADELEINE: (brightly) Oh!  But Mom?  I wonder which one is their Yiayia.
ME: She has short red hair, and she sings up in the choir with me.  Her name is Evelyn.
MADELEINE: Oh!  Yes.  I know that.  But...I know TWO Evelyns.
ME: That's right.  There ARE two Evelyns in the choir.
MADELEINE: Yeah.  They're TWINS!

Yup, Madeleine nailed that one.  Hi, I'm Evelyn, and this is my twin sister Evelyn.

ME: Yes, there are two Evelyns in the choir and they both have red hair.
MADELEINE: Yeah, and...and...and I get MIXED UP about which ONE.  Sometimes, I think...I think...I think they're the SAME.  I think that this Evelyn NEAR the other Evelyn and they're just ONE Evelyn.  Like I don't know which one is the Evelyn on the LEFT.

That just blew my mind, man.  Made PERFECT sense.

Wow.  I'm gonna have some heavy thoughts as I attempt to get MYSELF to sleep tonight.

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