Monday, February 27, 2012

Madeleine Yaps

Madeleine seems to take after her sister in her need to chatter away to us while she's on the potty. While Julia needs to close the door for privacy as she poops, she shows no need for complete and utter time to herself in the bathroom. Instead, she shouts to us through the bathroom door the entire time she's in there, following up every question we fail to answer because we can't hear her with prompts like "Did you? DID YOU? Mama, DID YOU KNOW THAT?" Madeleine doesn't need the privacy, but she needs the conversation just the same. In the video below, she yapped to me about a family picture we recently found, of a visit to see Yia-yia Megali when Julia was only two and Madeleine was in the womb:

Another subject upon which Madeleine likes to comment, just like her sister at this age, is the movie "Sleeping Beauty." Having recently watched it in a sisters movie popcorn afternoon, Madeleine became hung up on Maleficent and the fact that Maleficent turns into a dragon. Not only is Madeleine constantly bringing up "Alifecimp," but she will often randomly spout out observations about the movie when we're not doing anything Sleeping Beauty-related. Just now, as I put on a CD of Mozart piano concerti, Madeleine was reminded of the Sleeping Beauty score, which uses the music that P.I. Tchaikovsky composed for the ballet of the same name. Hearing the opening orchestral introduction to the Mozart concerto, Madeleine suddenly exclaimed, "Mommy! Dragon music! And she's looking for her crow but he turned into a hop scotch and she said 'Oh NO!' and she's trying to find her WAND and she turns into a DRAGON!"

Side note: "hop scotch" in this case appears to mean "statue." "Hop scotch" is Madeleine's fall back word when she can't recall the actual word. She almost always refers to our little grasshopper figurine as a "hopscotcher," until I remind her of the correct name.

At least, given the fact that she is currently scared of the darkness, the shark and the monster in her room, she was able to watch "Sleeping Beauty" without being scared to the dragon.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Courtney. There are just too many things to comment on!

    The drooling, the burping, the weirdo obsession with clara that comes out of nowhere (she's not even in that picture is she?!), the hop scotch being the default word?!?! I mean. Is she a weirdo or WHAT!

  2. I see she is playing out or thinking out her fears. She loves Clara but may be afraid of the nip she may receive. Licking is a nice thing but it can feel weird at first. I guess she doesn't know yet that licking is like kissing/ I still remember her scolding Clara saying "no, no, Clara, go see Auntie Shannon!" That still makes me laugh. What a unique and special daughter you both have. I think Maleficent probably shook her up an bit and that's why she can't stop thinking about her. She is working through her fears which is very brave of her. I am proud of you Madeleine! XOXO, Love, Yiayia
