After a failed attempt at harsh interrogation ("Madeleine! WHY did you color in my coloring book when I was at school?" "I just color BLACK."), Julia was admirably able to put a positive spin on the situation:
ME: Julia, I'm so sorry that Madeleine colored on your picture. I know how excited you were to finish it when you got home.
JULIA: No, Mama! It's okay! They're wearing SUNGLASSES.
Nice way to turn the black demon eyes into something stylin'. I'm not surprised, given her fashionable faux Fresh Beat Band outfit she wore to school that day:
On another note, Julia's princess figurines were not quite so forgiving of their loved ones today, as a soap opera-like drama unfolded at the dinner table. Here, on video, the princess erupt in royal outrage at their various pets:
I think all those Princesses need to have better manners and not shout at their pets followed by running away and pouting!!! Hope Julia can show them how to behave better. Madeleine was clearly fascinated by the drama unfolding via her sister's fantasy play! Love you girls, XOXOXO, Yiayia