MADELEINE: Mommy, is that "Dora Enchanted Forest" book?
ME: No, it's "Elmo Loves You." Do you want me to read it to you?
ME: (opening the first page and pointing to the alphabet strip at the top of the page, which is part of the picture, not part of the text) Madeleine, what's this letter? (pointing to the capital A.)
ME: Yeah, it's A! (pointing to the capital B) What's this letter?
MADELEINE: I don't... I don't... I don't... (grabbing my hand and pulling it off the book) I don't want B!
And that was my signal to stop the quizzing and start the reading...
At the gas station:
MADELEINE: Mommy, what's he doing? (pointing to the gas station attendant.)
ME: He's putting gas in our car.
MADELEINE: But... I don't want to get gas on me.
ME: No, don't worry, we won't get gas on you. The gas is just going in the car.
MADELEINE: (reassured) Yeah, the gas is just going in the car on Juwia's seat.
ME: No, it's not going on anybody's seat. It's just going into gas tank in the car.
(Five minutes later, upon finishing up and paying)
MADELEINE: Mommy, thank you for the gas!
Back at home, as I pulled the vacuum out:
MADELEINE: Mommy? Are you going to use the vacuum?
ME: Yes, I am. Are you going to be scared, or are you going to be brave?
MADELEINE: Um, brain.
Turns out she wasn't so brain after all, and had to run into the kitchen and sit on Ethan's lap so the lousy vacuum couldn't get her.
Playing with Julia's Wow! Car:
MADELEINE: A little girl put on a dress. But she couldn't play anywhere. Because she's PURPLE. The little girl looked. She just looked. Mommy? The little girl LOOKED. She looking for his mom. For her MOMMY. "Mama! Mama!' I not... I just still hungry. Mama! Mama!" Mommy? The little girl CRYING. She's crying for his Mommy. Mommy? The little girl looking for her mommy and daddy. She MISS them.
The little purple girl, not playing anywhere, looking for his mommy.
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