Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Things They Say

Some of the gems that have come out of Madeleine's mouth today:

After we put all the marbles through the Marble Maze I had set up:

MADELEINE: Can we do it again?  That was MANGER fun!

A discussion on Wild Kratts, as we walked to pick Julia up from school

MADELEINE: Mama?  Remember when I used to think Aviva's name was ABIBA?
ME: Mmm-hmm.
MADELEINE: But why is her name Aviva?
ME: I don't know.  That's just what the character's name is.
MADELEINE: And why is COKIE named Cokie?
ME: That's just her character's name.
MADELEINE: Who would ever wanna be named COKIE?
ME: It's definitely not the greatest name.
MADELEINE: It sounds like she just likes to COKE AROUND.  (thoughtful) But Mama?  What does COKE AROUND mean?
ME: Uh...

In regards to Madeleine's various nail polish colors from her nail polish kit:
MADELEINE: Mama?  Did you know that the pink, purple and green have a little CLUB, and they tell each other their own ideas?
ME: No, I didn't know that.
MADELEINE: Yeah.  And the white is always a FUSSOVER.

 The club.  All the cool nail polish colors are in.

The fussover.

Moving on to other topics, I have been heart-warmed to discover classwork by both girls this week.  Hanging on one of the bulletin boards at Madeleine's school is a pumpkin that she apparently dedicated to me.  If you look closely enough, you just might see my name squished in the corner there.


And then there is Julia's vocabulary classwork, on which she defines (in her own terms) the word "publish":

Definition: "A published book is when it isn't just a book made of paper, it's usilly hard cover or paperback."

Nailed it!  The difference between a published and an unpublished book most definitely has to do with what kind of material the book is made from.  This kid could write a dictionary!

I especially like her sentence using the word; with all her output at home, I can absolutely see her publishing a great book someday!


  1. I can't wait to read her first published hardcover/paperback book! XOXO, Yiayia

    1. No mom, it wouldn't be paperback otherwise it wouldn't be published. DUH!
