Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dinner Conversations

Just normal old dinner time conversation:

MADELEINE: Mama?  Pinky swit?
ME: What?
MADELEINE: (holding up her pinky) Pinky swit?
ME: You mean "pinky swear?"
MADELEINE: Pinky promise?
ME: Yes, "pinky promise" and "pinky swear" mean the same thing.
MADELEINE: (holding up her pinky) Pinky promise?
ME: What am I pinky promising?
MADELEINE: That you'll ALWAYS love me forever, EVEN after I die.
ME: Of course!  But hopefully, I'll already be dead by the time you die.
MADELEINE: Mama.  You said "ARDERY."
ME: I said "already."
MADELEINE: But Mama.  I said even when *I* die.
ME: And I said hopefully I'll already be dead by then, since I'm older than you.
JULIA: (walking into the room) Why do I hear Madeleine talking about something about DYING?
ME: She made me pinky promise that I'll love her forever, even when she dies, and I told her hopefully I'll already be dead by the time she dies.
MADELEINE: Mama.  You said "ARDERY."
ME: Honey, I said "already."
JULIA: (speaking with the wisdom of experience) Mom?  The thing is, you feel really PROUD of your kids when they learn the REAL way to say something, but then, like, THREE DAYS LATER, you're like, "Awww, I miss 'bam cracker!"

We then moved onto this conversation about bread:

JULIA: (after having eaten her dinner and dessert, while I was still eating my dinner) Mommy?  Can I have BREAD?
ME: Uh...give me a few minutes.
JULIA: Okay!
ME: (slicing some bread and putting it in the toaster) Okay, Jules, it's toasting.  (going to sit back down at my dinner plate.)
MADELEINE: Mama!  Can I have BREAD?
ME: (sighing) I really wish everybody could ask for things at the same time.  (handing Madeleine a slice of bread, not bothering to toast it.)
MADELEINE: (groaning) Uggh.  Why do I always have to eat it FRESH?
JULIA: (wisely) Because.  It saves ENERGY if you just eat it fresh.  Because...otherwise you have to, like, open the FRIDGE to get jam, or pumpkin butter, or whatever you want...

Yes.  That is the part of eating the bread "fresh" that saves energy.  It has nothing to do with not running the toaster.

What can I say?  Do these kids just totally know the ways of the world or what?  They have wisdom BEYOND THEIR YEARS!

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