Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What If

Julia's "What If" poem from school: Holy adjectives, Batman!

I guess it's not surprising that Julia's current poetry is so descriptive.  This is a kid who started writing her own poems back before she was even in kindergarten.  Don't forget such masterpieces as "Love Is Heart "and "Turtle."
And if you think back to one year ago, Julia was already writing prolific novels like "Well That Kid Was Not Poty Chrand Eauf."  So she's a rather seasoned poet by this point in her career.

Nevertheless, I would like to congratulate her on an extraordinary poem beautifully written!  To use some of her own words from former Christmas-themed books she wrote, Hooray Hooray Yay Yay Yay!


  1. Well That Kid Was Not Poty Chrand Eauf probably goes down as my favorite Julia book title of all time.

    1. Yeah, I love that one too. It's right up there with "What They The" for me.
