Sunday, March 9, 2014

Church and More

This morning, before getting ready for church, the girls spent some time expressing their creativity.  For Julia, it was the commencement of her next American Girl book, this time about a character from 1905. 

She hasn't gotten very far yet, but we at least have a better drawing of this character than that shown inside the little circle in her "Meet Ganet" book:

Meet Camileya

JULIA: Mom?  I decided to add MORE letters to her name, so that it didn't look like her name is just "CAMILLE."

We unfortunately don't get to learn that much about Camileya's family and friends, besides their names (although apparently Julia had a strong artistic vision of Alexsa, since she dove right into that drawing):

I can't wait to read more of this book once the author finds time to add to it, however; good times with Camileya and Alexsa in 1905 are bound to be had!

While Julia was working on her book, Madeleine was busy making this drawing:

MADELEINE: (pointing to the brown-haired figure on the left) Mama.  Can you guess who I drawed?
ME: Uh...Elsa?  Anna?
ME: Uh, is it me?
MADELEINE: No, Mama, it's a BOY.
ME: Um, Hans?
ME: Harry Potter?
ME: Daddy?
ME: Can you give me a hint?
MADELEINE: (pointing upwards)
ME: Um...Jesus?
MADELEINE: (brightly) Yes!
ME: (pointing at the red-haired figure) And who's that?
MADELEINE: Oh.  That's Anna from "Frozen."

Duh. I should have known.  Jesus and Anna, kickin' it like the Arabic-Norwegian friends that they are.

I suggested that Miss Eleni, the girls' Sunday school teacher, might like to see this picture, but then we forgot to bring it in the car with us when we left for church.  Not to worry, though; Madeleine remembered about it halfway through the drive and cried the entire rest of the way to church about it.  "Go baaaaaack Mama!  Mama go baaaaaaack!  We need to get my piiiiiiiiiicture!"

Once at Sunday school, however, Madeleine apparently forgot about her desire to show Miss Eleni a drawing of Jesus.  Instead, while Julia dutifully colored her icon coloring sheet,:

Madeleine flipped her coloring sheet over to the blank side and drew EXACTLY what the church wants as their icon:

Madeleine's heretical witch

It's okay, though, because Madeleine was back in Jesus mode as soon as we were home.  As she played Little People off in the corner of the living room, she was compelled to shout to me about the recurring theme of her pretend play.

MADELEINE: Mom?  I just can't stop making up games about JESUS!

Whether the Jesus in her games was still hanging out with Anna, or instead with other Scandinavian friends, I'm sure, with Madeleine in charge, He was having a rockin' good time.

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