Sunday, March 16, 2014

Morning Coloring

The girls are busy coloring this morning, and let's be real here: what would ANY activity be without a made-up song to accompany it?

Madeleine vocalised about Hello Kitty's adventures in Ballet School as she colored, though you will notice that it seems the song could only occur simultaneously with the coloring.  At one point, when Julia needed to borrow the marker Madeleine had been using, the song was paused, as if Hello Kitty reverted to an inanimate object when she was not being brought to life by markers.

On an unrelated note, while Ethan cooked dinner yesterday, the girls watched "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," and I headed upstairs to my bedroom to watch a non-kid-friendly movie, "Dallas Buyers Club."  At one point, I heard footsteps clomping up the stairs outside my bedroom door, so I paused the movie and greeted a cheery Madeleine as she burst into the room.

MADELEINE: (pointing at the frozen still-image of Matthew McConnaughey on the tv screen) Mama?  Who's THAT?
ME: That's Matthew McConnaughey.  He's an actor.
MADELEINE: (brightly) Oh!  When I was walking up the stairs, I heard a BOY voice that sounded like JESUS, and that guy even LOOKS like Jesus!



  1. Boy, singing must be good for the brain. Madeleine now knows who Ginny Weasley is but remains confused as to who Jesus is! XO, Yiayia

  2. Well, Matthew McConnaughey basically is Jesus these days. So close enough.
