Thursday, March 13, 2014

More of the Same

Hooray, hooray!  Julia has completed chapter 2 of "Meet Camileya" and has started chapter 3!  I know you have all been waiting with bated breath.  So, we continue from where we last left off (which, if you need a refresher, was with Lila and Camileya picking flowers, shortly after Camileya got her invitation to the ball and missed out on the elikant dress of her dreams.)

"I have disited you Lila Perdoson have givein this invitachon to invit you to our roule dinner party and ball.'  'OH Camileya did you ask for this to happen?' askt Lila.  'No!  No not at all.  Some one just gave it to me and said to diliver it to you.'  'I'll treser it forever.  I have something new to were.  We should were the flowers in our hiar.'  'It's a dele,' said Camileya.  'Here have some pie."

Yippee!  Lila got invited to the ball too!  And the flowers they just pik't will go PERFECTLY in their hiar, don't you think?  AND, I must admit, anytime *I* make a dele about what to wear to a ball, my immediate reaction is to have a piece of pie in celebration, too.

Chapter 3: "To the Ball"

"Camileya hurried to her room to get her dress on.  Than out of the corner of her eye she saw the green velvet dress she had wanted."

Oh.  My.  God.  Can it be true?!?!?  The eligant silk/velvet dress??

"Muther!  Father!  Elexsa!  Jasper!  Clara!  Look!  It's the dress!  The dress I wanted!'  'Well it was put down to 6 doller's becuse no one was rich enoph.'  'Oh!  And did you get a dress for Clara as well?'  'YES INDED I DID!'  'She looks absolutly adoribul,' said Camileya.  'And the finest silk as well,' she added."

WOW.  No one was rich enuph to afford a $600 dress, so the retailers did what any smart business person would do: just decrease the price by 99%.  SOLD!  Easy peasy! 

Also, I wonder how poor Elexsa feels about the fact that both her sisters got new dresses but she didn't.

"Camileya chwerel'd and look't in the mirrer.  Oh how eligant the silk was!  'I'm redy to go Father,' Camileya said."

Camileya does look pretty eligant in her silk/velvet dress.  No wonder she was chwerling around and looking in the mirrer.  I bet she's going to have a BLAST at the ball with Lila.  I can't wait to read all about it!  Here's hoping Julia has time to add to her book after school today!

Madeleine added to her own art portfolio this morning, as well, and there's a WHOLE story behind her picture, too.

MADELEINE: (pointing to the pink-haired, brown-faced person) Look!  That's me when I was LITTLE and I dyed my hair pink!
ME: Oooh!
MADELEINE: I have BROWN on my face!  Because...that was JESUS and we ate chocolate together. (pointing to the brown-haired, brown-faced figure next to the pink-haired Madeleine.)
ME: (pointing to the man with glasses) Who's that?
MADELEINE: Oh.  That's Daddy!
ME: Oh, okay.
MADELEINE: And me and Julia are being the GUESSERS.
ME: Okay.
MADELEINE: Wait.  Mama.  What's that game called again?
ME: Uh...
MADELEINE: Where you write stuff down?
ME: Um...Mad Libs?
ME: (pointing at the all-brown figure over to the left) And who's that person?
ME: Oh, I see.
MADELEINE: And Mommy, LOOK!  Daddy is reading us Mad Libs, AND he's pointing a wand at Voldemort!
ME: Oh, great!
MADELEINE: Yeah.  And the wand was coming off, but Jesus glued it.  To Daddy's HEAD!
ME: Jesus glued it, huh?
MADELEINE: Yes.  And I'm being all, like, "Let it Go" is the greatest song ever and I'm just standing there SINGING it. (launching into the song in real life.)

And with that, I'm going to have to let it go and end this post.

1 comment:

  1. Such creative girls! Julia's writings are remarkable and Madeleine's story behind her drawing! What can I say, Ethan possesses a magic wand, who knew! Madeleine can interact with and eat chocolate with Jesus and Voldemort stands no chance in the Rowe household! Tell Ethan to send some magic my way and have Madeleine Skype me in her next encounter with Jesus!!
