Thursday, October 17, 2013

Picture Day Drama

Today is school picture day for Madeleine, and even though we extensively discussed the fact that she would be wearing a nice dress to school today, was she actually cooperative about it once it was time to get dressed this morning?  Any guesses??

In fact, Madeleine took her outfit situation so hard that she stood bawling, naked in the kitchen, that she doesn't WANT to go to school today!  Today is a GARBAGE day.  Fall and Halloween and summer are her favorite SEASONS.  Why do I only want her to look CHRISTMASSY?

For the record, the dress I had picked out for her is a sleeveless pink sundress.  Apparently that qualifies as "Christmassy" in Madeleine's book.

And what did she want to wear?  Well, a white tennis skirt and white short-sleeved tee-shirt.  Because it's Halloweeny.  I have to agree here.  Nothing screams fall and Halloween more than an all-white ensemble, complete with sporty tennis skirt.

Madeleine finally managed to get past her tears and accept her fate, although she opted not to stay for Lunch Bunch today.

ME: Are you sure you don't want to stay for Lunch Bunch?
MADELEINE: I'm sure.
ME: But you love Lunch Bunch.  Why don't you want to stay today?
MADELEINE: Because today's a GARBAGE day.

Even though the tears were done, Madeleine stubbornly held fast to the idea that it's a garbage day just because she's wearing a pink sundress.  Life is TOUGH, man.  Especially when you're forced to wear Christmassy sundresses and all you want to do is wear a Halloweeny all-white outfit.

Speaking of Christmassy, Julia has some major complaints about the latest American Girl doll catalogue:

JULIA: Mommy?  You know what I think the problem is with this new American Girl stuff?  I think they've really OUTDONE themselves.  Like, they have SO many new things, like you can PAINT the doll's toenails, and all these CHRISTMAS things, and, like, I think there's gonna be TONS of people going into their stores wanting to BUY this stuff, and it's gonna be, like, all CHAOS.  I feel like they've just really OUTDONE themselves.  And besides, in the last catalogue, there was, like, ONE Halloween thing, and now they're doing Christmas in October?!?

She's a wise kid.  Way to not fall for those sneaky marketing tactics, Jules!

Finally, I conclude with one last anecdote from yesterday's doctor appointment, about which I had forgotten until Madeleine reminded me during last night's bedtime snuggles.

As the nurse and I were talking, Madeleine suddenly piped up from the examining table.

MADELEINE: Mommy?  I need to tell you something that's a SECRET, so I need to get down for a minute and come whisper it to you.
ME: Okay.  Come on over.
MADELEINE: (hopping off the exam table)  Okay.  I need your ear.
ME: (leaning my ear towards Madeleine)
MADELEINE: (whispering in my ear) My feet are DRAGONS!

I guess Julia isn't the only one in the house who likes to imgan.

1 comment:

  1. Halloween is my favorite season too.

    Let's make Madeleine wear that pink sundress on Christmas and see how Christmassy she thinks it is then.
