Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Awesomely Weird Kiddos

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you likely have already realized that my kids are totally weird.  And while I write about them in a rather tongue-in-cheek style, when I say they're totally weird, what I mean is that they're totally weird in an AWESOME way.  I never want to come across as a parent who spends every waking second boasting about how amazing and adorable her children are.  However, like every parent in the universe, I *do* so happen to think my children are absolutely amazing and adorable. 

This is all a BIG disclaimer for the following boast I am about to give.  Please forgive me for a moment, but I just must say:

Julia is a super trooper.  Not only does she walk all the way to school and all the way home every day (each direction being roughly a mile), but she is tough enough to handle the walk in any kind of weather.  This morning we walked there in the rain, and I felt the need to point out to her just how awesome she is.

ME: Julia, I gotta tell you.  You're SUCH a trooper.  I bet you're the toughest kid in the whole school when it comes to walking.

Julia, of course, was more concerned with uncovering whether I was truly qualified to make such an assessment.

JULIA: But how do you KNOW?
ME: Well, I doubt any of the other kids walk quite as far as you do.  And whenever the weather is bad, most of the other kids don't walk to school.
JULIA: But Mom.  How do you even KNOW how far they walk?
ME: Well, because we see the same kids every day who are walking to school when we are.  And I know where most of them live, and it's not as far as where we live.
JULIA: Well Mom.  How do you even KNOW if we live the farthest?
ME: Well, I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling that you walk a lot farther than most of the other kids.  And you can even do it when the weather's not great.
JULIA: Well, how do you know the other kids don't walk in the bad weather?

Okay.  I'm just gonna give up on trying to convince her how super awesome she is.  And I don't really want to be teaching her to feel some sense of competition or one-up-manship about this, so I didn't bother to point out to her that each month's "Walker of the Month," featured at school, states the distance the Walker travels each day.  Most of the distances are around a tenth of a mile to a quarter mile.  Julia has never been "Walker of the Month," probably because we enter the school through the back door, so none of the administration is even aware that she's a walker.


On to weird stuff now.  Let's just talk about some of the things Madeleine has said over the past 24 hours.

(In reference to the fact that she was VERY poorly behaved for our sitter yesterday.)
ME: Madeleine?  So tell me.  How are you going to behave for the baby-sitter today?
MADELEINE: Well Mama.  That's a difficult QUESTION.

(In reference to kids at her school)
MADELEINE: Mama?  At school, the kids say "this letter is green," when really it's TURQUOISE.
ME: Oh.  Did you tell them it's turquoise?
MADELEINE: Yes, but they don't say anything...because...their mouths are CLOSED, and...their heads are still facing the direction they're GOING.

 (Emerging from the play kitchen area with a pot full of stuff)
MADELEINE: Here you go!  I made this for you!  It's PUMPKIN stew just for YOU!

I joked that it should really be shepherd's pie.  Because it had real shepherds in it.  And angels.  And Jesus, Mary and Joseph:

After she fed me my pumpkin stew, Madeleine ran back off to the play kitchen, only to emerge once again after creating a loud clattering sound.

MADELEINE: (concerned) Mama?  By accident, I put my cookie that is JESUS into cat's BOWL.

Well, Jesus' symbol is a fish, after all, so I bet cat is pretty happy to find Jesus in his bowl.


  1. Hahahahah Courtney, I was DYING to have just recorded the whole sleepover because you literally can't make up (or remember all of!) the stuff that comes out of Madeleine's mouth. It's unbelievable.

    I really cracked up at: MADELEINE: Yes, but they don't say anything...because...their mouths are CLOSED, and...their heads are still facing the direction they're GOING.

    I think Julia is super awesome too with all her walking - she takes after her Aunt! I just got back from walking 2 miles from campus in the rain!

    1. Oh also, had I been there, I definitely would've appreciated your Shepard's Pie joke!
