Monday, October 21, 2013

Halloween Books

Well, folks, the Rowe household's most prolific author is at it again, having churned out several Halloween books over the weekend.  These books are part of a series that follow the adventure of best friends Molly and Mea in their yearly Halloween adventures. 

Book #1 mainly deals with Molly's struggle to find the perfect Halloween costume.  I would tell you what she finally settles on, but I'm afraid I'd spoil the sekret.  So to find out for yourselves, pick up a copy of:

The Halloween Sekret
by Julia Rowe

Now, the second book in this series is where things REALLY get exciting.  Molly and Mea are both a year older, and this time, there's no debate as to what the girls should dress as.  They both go as wichis:
Two Halloween Wichis
by Julia Rowe

I'm especially fond of the way Julia wrote her name here, to make it look EXTRA spooooooky.  (Either that, or she had the hiccups while writing it.)

Pg. 1:
"Mea wocke up.  It was almost Halloween and Mea was glad she was a wich.  Mea whent out the door and thar was Molly.  'Hi,' she said."
(Are the girls high-fiving each other?  Why are their arms up like that?  And why don't they have any hands??)

Pg. 2:
"The two friends walk't to school.  It was a crisp day.  Thay when't thar class room thay wore the frist one's thar."
(Are the squiggles in the air supposed to be the wind blowing on the crisp day?  Or perhaps smoke blowing from chimneys?  Either way, I'm digging the added details to make the day look EXTRA crisp.)

Pg. 3:
"So ooh let poot are bag down Molly,' said Mea.  'Good morning girls,' said thair teacher Mrs. Banaana."
(I'm really glad Molly has a friend like Mea, who is there to remind her of all the imporant daily tasks, like pooting thar bags down.  And let's talk about the teacher for a minute.  I have so many thoughts running through my head.  Mrs. Banaana?  And is she wearing a dress that says "Yes Please?"  And some sort of banana-pilgrim hat hybrid on her head??)

Pg. 4:
"On Halloween thay when't on thar brooms.  Weee!  Then thay did thar which chraning."
(Wait a minute.  Molly and Mea are *actual* wichis?  How did I miss this??  All along I thought they were just dressing up as wichis for Halloween.  WOAH.  Talk about a surprise twist.  Book 1 did not so much as HINT at this shocking revelation, despite its title being "The Halloween Sekret."  I had NO idea that Molly and Mea were actually chraning to be wichis.  Was I just oblivious??  Did any of you readers see this coming?  And look at these word-salad spells they're casting.  I'm a little freaked out by "A galan of blood."  Are they vampire wichis??)

Pg. 5:
"It is hard being a wich but it is fun.  Boo!"
(You can say that again.  But you gotta put in the hard work if you want to be a successful wich, I guess.  Man, I've gotta say, this book is a doozy, all right.  I'm still reeling from the wich revelation.  I can't wait to see what happens in the next book!)

Book #3 in the series is a work-in-progress at the moment, but because I know you're all desperate for more Molly and Mea, I'll leave you with a little sneak peek of what's to come.

Book 3:
The Mustiris Closat
by Julia Rowe

Oh my gosh.  CAN'T.  WAIT.


1 comment:

  1. Her dress says "love peasce"! I think Molly dislocated her left hip.
