Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Star of the Week, "The Lion King," and the Hot Iron

Star of the Week - Day 2!  Julia got to bring in a beloved book from home for the teacher to read to the class.

While the girls have not watched the movie version of "The Lorax" for at least a few weeks, they are both still quite fond of the book.  The newest movie to take frontrunner position in the household is, as you may have guessed, "The Lion King."  Madeleine truly cannot stop thinking about it, playing Simba, or asking a multitude of questions about the movie.  In fact, every single night when I'm trying to put her to bed, she begins a litany of inquiries that somehow always circle back to the main question of "Why is Scar mean?"

MADELEINE: Mom?  Why is Scar mean?
ME: Because he's jealous.
MADELEINE: Why's he jealous?
ME: Because HE wants to be the king.
MADELEINE: Mom?  Why is Scar the king?
ME: Well, Scar is the king only after Mufasa dies and Simba runs away.
MADELEINE: Mom?  Why does Scar push Mufasa down the cliff?
ME: Because he's mean.
MADELEINE: Why is Scar mean?
ME: Because he's jealous.
MADELEINE: Why does Scar wanna be the king?
ME: I guess HE wants to be in charge.
MADELEINE: Mom?  Why does Nala say "Simba is the rightful king?"
ME: Well, because Simba is supposed to be king.  If the Lion King has a baby, that baby will be the next king.
MADELEINE: But why do the hyenas say that SCAR is the king?
ME: Because Scar becomes king after he kills Mufasa and makes Simba run away.
MADELEINE: Mom?  But why is Scar mean?
ME: Because he's jealous, honey.
MADELEINE: But why does Nala say "I thought you were very brave" to Simba?
ME: Well, I guess she thinks Simba is being really brave to return home and take his role as king.
MADELEINE: But why does Scar say "you killed Mufasa" to Simba?
ME: Because he's TRICKING Simba.  Scar really killed Mufasa, but he wants Simba to think it was Simba's fault.
MADELEINE: But why did Scar kill Mufasa?
ME: Because he's mean.
MADELEINE: Mom?  But why is Scar mean?

And so forth.

Meanwhile, as you can see from the picture up top, Julia has been completely in charge of her outfits for her week of stardom.  I'm expecting the layered skirts over leggings to continue throughout the rest of the week, of course.  While her hair has now resumed its natural curls after having a bath last night, she did get to wear it straight-ironed to school yesterday, complete with two special hair clips she had picked out the day before.  I can't even imagine what her outfit and hair care preparations will be like when she's a teenager.

Speaking of the straight iron, Madeleine was curious as to its use after she spotted it sitting on the bathroom counter this afternoon.

MADELEINE: Mom?  What is the hot iron for?
ME: For doing my hair.
MADELEINE:  But what is the hot iron for?
ME: For straightening my hair.
MADELEINE: (touching her own hair protectively) But...I don't want to use it, because I don't want to DEFEAT the curls.
ME: Don't worry, honey, it's not for you.  I'm not going to straight-iron your hair.
MADELEINE: Yeah, because I don't want to defeat my CURLS!

"Defeat my curls."  No idea where she got that phrase from.  As I have said before, I expect to see laser beams shoot out of her eyes one day.

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