Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lenten Tasks And More

At Sunday school this past weekend, the girls were given a task sheet entitled "My Lenten Journey."  This sheet contains a daily task to help the kids focus on reaching out to others, as well as mildly abstaining from material goods, throughout the Lenten period.  Tasks include things like mailing a card to a loved one, donating old clothes to charity, and having a tv-free day. 

Guess what today is??

Unsurprisingly, Julia is taking this task VERY seriously.  She has had it on her radar since Sunday, even announcing to me during the day yesterday, "Mom!  Remember what TOMORROW is!"  And although the Sunday school kids all made their "No tv today" signs to hang on their television sets, Julia herself took the initiative to explicitly state which day was banned from tv-watching.  "Because, Mama, I was thinking, what if, like, somebody was over at our HOUSE, and they saw 'no tv' and they didn't know that it was only for TUESDAY and they thought they couldn't watch tv ANY day?"

So now it's clear.  No tv on Tosday.

Ever afraid of bending any rules, Julia came to a realization this morning, and cried out, dismayed, "Oh no!  At school we're supposed to watch a VIDEO today instead of going outside for recess!"

I assured her that "No tv" applies only to watching tv at home today.

So, while Julia has been somewhat excited for today's task, Madeleine is not taking it quite so well.  We have had variations of the following conversation all morning long:

MADELEINE: Well Mama.  When CAN we turn the tv back on?
ME: Tomorrow.  It's only off for today.
MADELEINE: Well Mama.  When is it going to be the end of the WORLD?
ME: The end of the world?  Not for a long, long time.
MADELEINE: Well, I want it to be the end of the WORLD.
ME: I don't think you actually want it to be the end of the world.  Do you mean the end of the day?
MADELEINE: No, I want it to be the end of the WORLD.
ME: Why?
MADELEINE: Because.  I want to wear an ASTRONAUT helmet.

Oh.  That's why.  Silly me.  And I like the idea that a day without tv makes a life not worth living, so Madeleine's resigned to just wait for the end of the world.

Speaking of Madeleine, she just recently became reunited with her special beanie baby, Meow-Meow the cat (formerly known as Bianca.)  Meow-Meow has been missing for awhile, but Julia discovered her under the couch this morning, and ever since, Madeleine has not wanted to part ways with her beloved kitty.  Meow-Meow even sat on the table, next to Madeleine's plate, during lunch today.

After finishing her peanut butter sandwich, Madeleine announced to me, delighted, "Mom!  Meow-Meow WAITED for me!"  She took a moment to ponder this, then asked, "Mom?  Why do kitties WAIT for people?"

I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer for ALL kitties, but I'm pretty confident that in Meow-Meow's case, it's because she's an inanimate object.

On another note, Madeleine is back on a serious Poopy Uncle Pants kick.  Here are just a few of the ways that Poopy Uncle Pants has been unsubtly worked into our general dialogue lately.

ME: (going over to give Madeleine a kiss) Good morning, Madeleine!
MADELEINE: (gazing at me soberly) Poopy UNCLE Pants.

ETHAN: (hopping out of our car at the train station) Thanks for the ride!  Bye, girls!  Love you.
ME: Can you girls say good-bye to Daddy?
JULIA: Bye Daddy I loooove you!
MADELEINE: Poopy Uncle Pants.

MADELEINE: Mommy!  Mommy!  I have to whisper you a SECRET!
ME: Okay.
MADELEINE: (leaning over to whisper in my ear) Poopy Uncle Pants.

But let's be clear about something, here.  Madeleine, herself, is not Poopy Uncle Pants, so don't dare to try and call her that.

MADELEINE: Mommy?  Your SECOND name is Poopy Uncle Pants.
ME: Okay.  Your FIRST name is Poopy Uncle Pants.
MADELEINE: (indignant) No it's not!  I'm SIMBA.

Sheesh.  How could I forget?!

Anyway, we are about halfway through our "No tv" Tosday.  Wish Poopy Uncle Pants and Simba luck as we head into the second half of the day!  Til the next time...


  1. Do the grown ups get to watch tv on Tosday?

    1. Julia thinks no, but I think yes, after the kids are asleep.

    2. Did the adult Rowes try to watch TV tonight and did they get busted by Julia coming downstairs?

    3. We DID try to watch tv tonight, but happily, Julia didn't catch us! Woo-hoo! Rule breakers!!
