Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Auntie Birthday

Happy Birthday to Auntie Shannon!

Or, as Madeleine put it, "Mom, let's pick out a PRESENT for Auntie CAITLYN!"

One of these days she'll be able to tell her aunties apart.

Click below to view Madeleine's "Happy Birthday" video for Auntie Shannon:

Julia also made a "Happy Birthday" video, with Madeleine chiming in (and wiping out) in the background:

So, while Julia is not exactly sure what Auntie Shannon would want for her birthday (asking me, "Well, Mom, what else does Auntie Shannon like besides CLARA?"), we are hoping that she will enjoy these videos.

Happy Birthday, Auntie Shannon!  Love from the Rowe household!


  1. THANK YOU!!!! I love you girls so much! You made my whole birthday!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. I was going to ask if you saw it! It's just a greenish-yellow smear now rather than the giant purple goose egg she initially had.
