Sunday, March 3, 2013

More Crafts

Among the artwork Julia brought home from school this week was this loving doily:

"I love Silys."  All week long, I have been trying to decipher this love note.  I love sillies?  I love sleighs?  I can usually read Julia's "kindergarten writing" pretty well, but this one really stumped me.  Finally, I had to break down and ask Julia to translate it for me.


Ohh.  How could I have been so clueless?  I should have figured that out from the picture:
Seriously.  How dopey can I be?  I mean, her seal is just as true to life as her pictures of orca walls were.  Can't believe I couldn't figure this one out.

Madeleine, meanwhile, is still proudly displaying her hand-crafted pan-pipes from yesterday's science fair.  In fact, she even insisted on bringing them along to church, so that she could literally sing praises to God with fife and drum:

Even though she's not really GREAT at making music, I made her leave her pipes in the car to avoid both the distraction they might cause, as well as the germ-sharing they might inspire.

Despite Madeleine's continuing satisfaction with yesterday's crafts, Julia has clearly moved on.  Among her artsy handiwork today was a cardboard balance beam,:

as well as a brand new book.  For those of you who have yet to visit our library and would like to browse the book yourselves, come on by.  I'll give you a little teaser to pique your interest:

The Suniy Day by Julia Rowe
We have not had a suniy day here in quite awhile.  It has been either overcast, rainy or snowing for the past week+.  I certainly would love to have a suniy day.  HOWEVER, Mela, the star of Julia's new book, is of a different mind...

"Mela ran out hir bake old woodin door.  She is vary tiyrd of suniy days and today is the suniyis day ever."
I have to admit, I'm not really sure what Mela's problem is here.  Is she living in the midst of a drought or something?  How else do you get tiyrd of suniy days??

Now, I won't spoil the major plot for those of you who want to browse through the book at our library, BUT: I will tell you that before the story is over, there will be sibling rivalry, drastic weather changes, and even a visit from a fairy!  And just CHECK OUT the amazing ending:

"Sumthing cole hapind but what?"
Yeah.  What?  What cole thing hapind??

You are NOT going to believe what it is:

"A big big big big hurt. the end."
Oh my gosh.  That really IS cole.  What better way to end a story than with a big big big big hurt?

The *only* thing that *might* be better would be a big big big big heart.

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