Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Queen of the Waves

Today at school, Julia's class learned about non-fiction books, and the fact that such books are important because they teach students about particular subjects of interest.  As part of their unit on non-fiction books, the kindergarteners have been instructed to choose a topic about which they want to learn more.  Tomorrow during Media, the kids will be finding non-fiction books on the topic they chose.  Julia told me about how one of her good friends is going to check out a book about space. 

What did Julia choose, you may wonder?

JULIA: Surfing!!  Because...(bursting into song) "She's the queen of the WAAAAA-HEY-HEY-AAAAVES!" 

Yes.  We have "Barbie in a Mermaid Tale" to thank for Julia's choice of subject.  She is set out to learn all about surfing so she can be JUST LIKE Merliah Summers, the protagonist of the aforementioned Barbie movie.

On another note, Julia has also been learning about Aurora Borealis as part of a science unit, and she could seriously hardly contain her excitement while telling me about it.

JULIA: Mommy?  Today we learned about something called Aurora Borealis, and...(starting to skip along the sidewalk in excitement) we learned that you can see leaping with joy) Maine and VERMONT!!!

I guess that being the child of a Vermonter makes her feel an INSTANT connection with the Aurora Borealis.  She has literally found a way to work it into nearly every conversation we've had today. 

For instance, after work, I took the girls to the toy store, where Julia was able to claim her prize for staying in her bed for seven nights straight:

While trying to come up with a name for her new Beanie Baby, Julia went through several possible options, including - surprise surprise - Aurora Borealis.  I actually think that would have been a cool name for her new unicorn.  Unfortunately, Beanie Babies all come with a name, a fact that Julia remembered after we arrived home from the toy store, so once we checked the name we found out that instead of the cool name Aurora Borealis, the unicorn is stuck with the stupid name Magic.

Julia and Magic

(As you can see, Madeleine also got her own Beanie Baby, a reward for her great job of not pooping in her pants this week.  She has hopefully come to the realization that just because it feels like gas, pushing it out is not always a smart thing to do if you're not sitting on the toilet.)

And right now, as they sit, post-bath, in their jammies on the couch, snuggling their new Beanie Babies, the girls are watching "Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2," so Julia can get a BIG head-start on her Media research tomorrow, all about surfing.


  1. Yup, I watched and listened to Queen of the Waves. Twice. Are they doing the macarena or what?

    Cause a commotion! Jump in the ocean!

    1. Oh gosh, I had no eday that the link led you to such a rockin video! Shannon, have you practiced "one foot up..." so you can perform it for your nieces when you see them? Better have Clara practice too so it looks like the video! I am sure Caitlyn wouldn't mind joining in. XOXO Love, Mom
