Monday, January 28, 2013

Sick Day

After a night of puking all over a) the dining room floor, b) Mommy, c) the bathroom floor and toilet, d) her bed, and e) her bedroom floor, my poor Julia is home sick from school today.  While she has spent most of the morning, thus far, lying on the couch under a fleece blanket, she does have bursts of energy in which she wants to get up and do something.  So far the only sorts of activities she's really able to do are short bits of arts and crafts, followed by a return to the couch to rest, but even in small bits, Julia is able to come up with some really creative projects.  In fact, she even created a new game!

Here is the equipment:

Julia constructed this tube with paper, and even added a bottom by stapling paper to cover the opening in the tube.  Inside this tube, she placed little pieces of paper, all of which were adorned with numbers and pictures. 

JULIA: So, Mama, do you want to play my GAME?
ME: Sure.
JULIA: Okay, so you can read the instructions to figure out the rules of the game.

The instructions

Once I understood the rules of the game, I was ready to play, and began quickly matching up my numbers, alternating turns with Julia.

Ten second later, the game was over.  (And what a riveting game it was.)
JULIA: Well, Mama, I guess it's kind of a SHORT game.

I assured her that a short game was perfect for a sick girl who needs to alternate resting with playing.

She has also started a new book, entitled "Hmmmmm."  It features a conversation between a child and her grandmother:

JULIA: Mom?  Do you know why it's like this?
ME: Why?
JULIA: It's: (brightly) "Grandmother, do you know now?"  (croakily and shakily) "Know what now?"  Because, Mama, it's like, she's OLD.

Meanwhile, Madeleine, missing her play-mate, has no tolerance for Julia's sick status.
MADELEINE: (shrieking) JULIA!  Stop being SICK and come play BARBIES with me!

Thankfully, Madeleine has also provided comic relief for the couch-ridden Julia, performing a conducting/singing concert for all of us:

and designing a mustache out of car seat arm-rests:

MADELEINE: Julia, look!  (singing in a deep voice) I have mah mustache and beard, I have mah mustache and beard!

At least Julia doesn't have to worry about being bored while she's home sick.


  1. Tell my little honey I love her SO much and I hope she feels better really soon!

    1. Aw, poor Julia. Get well soon! XOXO
