Saturday, January 12, 2013

Snow the Snowman

Tonight, while we  were eating dinner, Julia began interviewing Madeleine on her newest art project from school:

JULIA: So, Madeleine, tell me about your snowman.  Does he have a name?
MADELEINE: His name is SNOW the Snowman!
JULIA: Snow the snowman?  Is that like Poly the Polar Bear?
MADELEINE: (delighted) YEAH!  He's SNOW the Snowman!  And... he has a mouth, and she's a GIRL.  And he has a MOUTH, but he has NO lipstick.  Because, he doesn't have lipstick because he's just a SNOWMAN.  And he's a GIRL snowman.  Aww, why does mine have no SNOW falling out of the sky?  Maybe the TAPE is on it.  HEY!  Maybe the TAPE can be the SNOW falling out of it!  And...he has a MOUTH.

Clearly the fact that Snow the Snow(wo)man has a mouth is a big deal, since Madeleine keeps mentioning it.  In fact, Madeleine's preschool teacher took me aside to show me the mouth that Madeleine made, a remarkable detail, in the teacher's eyes, as it was perfectly symmetrical, and completely of Madeleine's own design and doing, a detail she added of her own accord.

ME: He has a mouth, huh?  Did some of the snowmen NOT have a mouth?
MADELEINE: Yeah.  Some of the snowman DON'T have a mouth.
ME: What made you want to make a mouth?
ME: About his face, huh?
MADELEINE: Yeah.  All of the snowmen didn't have a MOUTH, only mine!  Hey, Mama!  I just CLICKED my tongue!  To NOT say Giddy-Up!

Well, in case I didn't already agree with Madeleine's teacher about what a genius she is, the above conversation definitely sealed the deal for me.

Snow the Snowman.  He has a mouth.  And he's a girl!


  1. I literally just read this whole post with my mouth gaping open in complete and utter disbelief that Madeleine is real.

    1. While your mouth was open, did you click your tongue to NOT say giddy-up?
