Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Little People Music Class

Today the Little People had music class.  Their classroom is in the oven of the play kitchen.  Here are some snippets of Madeleine's elaborate pretend play:

TEACHER: Today, we have a NEW really principal.
ERIC: Come on, Rapunzel!
RAPUNZEL: Oh, yeah, we have to go!
TEACHER: Today's class...is...school...MUSIC TIME!  (breaking into song) Once upon a time, I went out in the spring, and all of my children, so they went out, and sitted on our stoop, so we knew it was reeeally warm, and a little colder, because...it was winter, oh, because it was winter, and the winter got in the waaaaarm. (speaking)  So THAT'S why we sing.  (back to singing) Din din din!  That's the end of myyyyy soooong!
MAGGIE: One time, I went out in the spring with my parents.
TEACHER: With your parents?  That's the PRINCIPAL!
MAGGIE: Oh yeah!  My parent the PRINCIPAL!  (breaking into song) And we put all our spring jackets ooooon, and we did it by ourselves, and I have a little girl named Sonya Leeeee, and she's leftover because, oh because, I'm in!  Din din din!  That's the end of myyyyy soooong!"
SARAH: (singing) One time I went out in the winter and we put all of our stuff on, and we said let it go.  Let it go, let it go, let it gooooo!
TEACHER: (reprimanding) Please don't dance on the floor.
SARAH: (cheerfully) Okay.  I won't.  (singing) Din din din, that's the end of myyyyyyyyy soooooooong!
ARIEL: (singing) One time I went out in the spooky Halloween, and we putted all our spooky Halloween costumes on, and we trick-or-treated at a lot of houses!  And I have a little sister that is named Piiiiilot Pauuuula!  And she can fly all over the place!  Like this!  Fly, fly, fly, fly-flyyyyy, fly-flyyyyy, din din, and that's the end of myyyyy soooooong!
TEACHER: Now it's your turn, Rapunzel.
RAPUNZEL: Oh, my turn!  Yay!  I love my turn!  (breaking into song) One time I went out in the spring, and we putted all on our spring jackets, and we putted on our new sneakers, so we went out to play but I knew it was a little cooooold!  So we went in quick, before it starts snowing, from my tallll toooower.  Din din!  And that's the end of myyyyyy soooooong!
TEACHER: Now it's your turn, Eric!
ERIC: My turn?  Oh no, I don't KNOW how to sing!  (breaking into song) One time I went out in the spring and I had to go to the bathroom, and I falled down in the diiiiiiirt, and it was really colder but it was really waaaaarm.  Din din, that's the end of myyyyy soooooooong!

I think Madeleine has a career in teaching in her future.  I mean, does she know how to run a music class or what?

Din din, and that's the end of myyyyyy pooooooooost!


  1. I wonder if her future classes will also be held in an oven. Might make for some parental complaints. XOXO, Yiayia

  2. Madeleine, those are some eyes you have.
