Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Trixie and the Holiday Sing-Along

A few weeks ago, the girls watched a brand new episode of "My Little Pony," in which a nemesis pony named Trixie comes to Canterlot and ousts Twilight Sparkle after beating her in a duel of magic.  While the episode inevitably has a happy ending in which Twilight Sparkle gets to return triumphant and Trixie is reformed, Madeleine is still drawn to Trixie's magical pranks, and is frequently absorbed in a game of pretend play, taking the part of the mean magical pony.  This all started one evening at the dinner table, in the following manner:

ETHAN: Madeleine, can you eat another bite of your dinner?
MADELEINE: Daddy!  Let's pretend I'm TRIXIE!  And you can be...you can be...you can be...
ETHAN: Please let me be either Fluttershy or Twilight Sparkle.
MADELEINE: You can be Twilight Sparkle!
ETHAN: Then I think you should let Mom be Fluttershy.
MADELEINE: No, Mommy can be Pinkie Pie!
JULIA: (from behind the closed bathroom door, pooping) No, I want to be Pinkie Pie!
MADELEINE: (shouting back) Okay, Julia, you can be Pinkie Pie!  (to me) Mommy, you can be RARITY!
JULIA: (still pooping, still shouting through the closed door) Actually, no, I want to be Rarity!
ME: (shouting back) Julia, you're Pinkie Pie!

At any rate, the precedent was set in which we all had to act out My Little Pony, with Madeleine in the role of Trixie.  And so it has gone ever since.

Sometimes Madeleine decides to be Trixie at a really inconvenient time.  After we picked up Julia from school one afternoon last week, and were on our walk home, Madeleine and Julia were both desperate to get onto the potty.  I encouraged them to walk quickly and not get distracted, especially seeing as Madeleine was struggling to hold her poop and I really didn't want her to have an accident.  They initially obeyed and both hustled along up the big hill that leads to the road perpindicular to our street. 

However, part-way up the hill, Madeleine suddenly decided it was time to be Trixie.

MADELEINE: Julia, let's play My Little Pony, and I'll be TRIXIE!
JULIA: Okay!  I'll be Pinkie Pie!
MADELEINE: And Mama, you be RARITY.
ME: Okay.
MADELEINE: No, Mommy, you have to talk like RARITY!
ME: (affecting Rarity's faux British accent) Oh, my goodness, we MUST hurry home so I can change out of this HORRIBLY unfashionable color!
MADELEINE: Pinkie Pie, I put a spell on you!
JULIA: (imitating Pinkie Pie from the tv episode, in which her mouth disappears and she can only make closed-mouth squealing sounds.)
ME: Okay, come on, let's hurry along!
MADELEINE: (stopping in her tracks) But...Rainbow Dash is just PULLING ME!
ME: Come on, Madeleine!  Keep walking!
MADELEINE: Uh, Mama, my name is TRIXIE.
ME: Trixie!  Come on, keep walking!
MADELEINE: (still frozen still) I caaaan't!  Rainbow Dash is just PULLING ME!

I then began pushing her bum along telling her I was combatting Rainbow Dash's pulling and helping Trixie to keep moving.  Once Madeleine was walking normally again, I resumed trying to coax the girls along.

MADELEINE: (once again freezing in her tracks) Oh no!  I can't MOVE!
ME: Madeleine, keep moving, because I don't want you to poop in your pants!
MADELEINE: Uh, no, my name is TRIXIE.
ME: Trixie!  Keep walking!
MADELEINE: I caaaaan't!  Rainbow Dash just keeps PULLING ME!

And so forth.  By miracle, both girls made it home and onto the potty without any accidents, but I have made it clear to Madeleine that from now on if she's going to be Trixie, Rainbow Dash isn't allowed to keep pulling her.  Because as we all can see, pulling someone causes them to freeze helplessly in a dead standstill.  Who knows.

Today, Madeleine was Trixie once again, this time at her holiday party at preschool.  While other kids enjoyed free play time walking along balance beams and jumping through hula hoops, Madeleine simply ran laps around the church hall, occasionally wiping out, and always responding, when I'd ask if she was okay, "Uh, Mom, my name is TRIXIE!"

As rampant as she was during free play, Madeleine was truly a great and hearty singer during the party's Christmas sing-along.  While many of the young kids got completely distracted/sad and clingy/out-of-control-excited over the sight of their parents in the audience, Madeleine stayed with the small few who remained in formation and bellowed along with the teachers to the various Christmas songs:

So even though she turned into that big old nuisance Trixie later on during the party, she was very Fluttershy-slash-Twilight Sparkle-ish during the performance part.  Hooray, Madeleine!

Afterwards I tried to get some pictures of her posing by the Christmas tree bulletin board.  I got some real winning smiles, as you can see:


1 comment:

  1. AHAHAHAHAHA - I'm crying laughing over the first part where you decide who will be who!!!! Ask her who I can be cause when she gets here I'm going to be the most obnoxious version ever...maybe Apple Jack??
