Saturday, December 22, 2012

Drawings and Ducks

Madeleine was hard at work illustrating a book written by Auntie Shannon today, producing the first ever author/illustrator collaboration in the Rowe household. 

Don't worry.  Madeleine most definitely did not sell out, not even to please the author, who wrote a cheery story entitled "Lila's Cold Christmas."  Madeleine stayed true to her artistic personality, creating such illustrations as this bloodied snowman:

And if that's not creepy enough, she also created the following picture, with the encouraging label "Mom":

I'm not sure which one is supposed to be me and which one is immao.  I'm also not sure which one I would rather be, the floating ghoul head or the eerily three-eyed, dot-mouthed, claw-handed-and-footed person with a tail.

In other news, Madeleine acquired a brand new toy yesterday, a result of our trip to the toy store to buy a present for Julia's friend's upcoming birthday party.  Madeleine, heart-broken that she had nothing to hold in the car (since Julia had a freak-out in the middle of the store when Madeleine announced her intention to hold the wrapped present during the car-ride home), was desperate to have something of her own to hang on to.  My solution was to allow her to buy a $2 rubber duckie for our tub, since our old rubber duckie (known as Mrs. Duck) got so mildewed that I had to toss her out.

Little did I know what a hit the new duckie (known as Duckie) would be.  In fact, I don't think Madeleine has parted from her new friend since we bought it.  As you can see, Duckie is present in almost every picture that features Madeleine.  It's like a fun "I Spy" game - see if you can spot the duck:

Madeleine is so loath to part from Duckie that they had to go TOGETHER into the bathroom while Madeleine disrobed and did her poopies on the potty today.  When she was finally ready for me to come in and help her wipe, she announced to me cheerfully, "Mom, I've just been hanging out here with DUCKIE!"

(Apparently hanging out with Duckie means decorating his beak with elastics from the hairstyle bag):

Madeleine's new BFF.

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