Friday, December 21, 2012

Deed Fiish

Just when I thought Julia's home-made books couldn't get any weirder, she totally proved me wrong. 

Last night, she came up with a brand new masterpiece, entitled "Deed Fiish" (I would have spelled it Deed Feesh, myself, based on how she pronounces it, but hey, she's the author.)  According to Julia, "Deed Fiish" is the story about a dead fish, but the person who is saying "Dead Fish" has an accent.

In an ironic twist, the name of the deed fiish is Joy, and I've gotta say, for a deed fiish, she's really pretty active, and manages to float herself along upright most of the time. 

Here is how the story unfolds:

"Deed fiish" by Julia Rowe.

"Joy was a fish."
(She's looking pretty chipper for a deed fiish, wouldn't you say?)

"She was a medium fish yay."
(Yay indeed.  I mean, I know I would pretty excited if I was a medium fish.)

"But there was a porebe withe Joy."
(What we need now is for Madeleine to announce, 'That's a BIG porebe!')

"Jeiey and Daevn fand Joy."
(Apparently Jeiey and Daevn, whose names are actually pronounced Jerry and Daven, are mermaids.  Joy is looking pretty happy that they found her, despite her big porebe.)

"So she destse as a wumie."
(I'm sure you can all read this clearly.  But *just in case* you can't, I will translate: "So she dressed as a woman.")

"She fie brste."
(Again, totally unnecessary translation: "She felt embarrassed."  I thought maybe this is the part where she dees, but I guess she's just brste.)

"Thene Joy tolde the trtheie."
(I'm not entirely sure what truth Joy tolde.  That she's really a fish?  That she loves to cross-dress as a woman?  That she's actually a deed fiish masquerading as a living one?  The story never quite resolves what trtheie Joy told, but that's part of the mastery of Julia's writing.  She leaves us all free to interpret the ending as we wish.  Wow.  WHAT. A. STORY.)

Joy the deed fiish has become such a popular character that Julia recently started an entirely new book centered around Joy.

Here is the incomplete "Elvs Chrimstmat and Santa Claus," still a work-in-progress:

"Joy nedned a frende fro Christmas."
(Aw.  Poor, sad, deed Joy.)

"Jeiry sickgjusted elvs."
(I have to admit I had no idea what this was supposed to say until Julia read it to me.  "Jerry suggested elves.")

"Daevn sickgusted snowmen."
(Daevn's sickgustion might be a little bit better, since snowmen are at least made of water so maybe Joy can swim around in the melted snow.  Then again, she's deed, so I guess it doesn't matter if she's in the water or not.)

"Thene it was Christmas."

And what THENE?!?  And there's no picture?!?  I can't I have to wait until Julia gets home from school to find out whether or not Joy finds a frende fro Christmas!  Stay tuned, folks, and I'll fill you in when the story gets resolved. 

Until thene...

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