MADELEINE: We're going to the Christmas!
JULIA: No, we're going to the Y, Madeleine.
MADELEINE: We're going to the Christmas!
JULIA: Here, Madeleine, I'll explain it to you. We don't go to Christmas. Christmas comes to us. Christmas is all about celebrating the day Baby Jesus was born, and we get lots and lots of presents.
Julia interrupts my piano lesson to tell me something really urgent:
JULIA: Uh, Mama? I picked out an outfit for tomorrow that's a shirt and pants and a skirt, because do you know why I picked that out? Because I want to look JUST LIKE the Fresh Beat band, and for the next day, I picked out a dress and pants and do you want to see the outfit I picked?
ME: Not right now, honey. I'm teaching.
JULIA: Okay, well, it's a really cute outfit so that I look just like the Fresh Beat band because I decided I wanted to look like them.
Julia acts upon her desire to be part of the Fresh Beat Band:
True to her word, she wore her cute outfit today, and to top things off, she put on a whole music/dance show for me. But be warned, she is not ACTUALLY a Fresh Beat band member; rather, she has started her own Fresh Beat band-like group.
ME: Julia, can I take pictures of your show to put on my blog?
JULIA: Yeah, and Mama, can you also send the pictures to Auntie Shannon? Because I want Auntie Shannon to see them, and also, Mama, you can just send them to WHOEVER you want! But Mama, don't say on your blog that I'm in the Fresh Beat band, because I'm not. I pretend that MY band is called MATONIX.
So, as promised, here are pictures of Julia, so far the lone member of Matonix (but don't worry; when she does her "gallop time," she imagines that she and her friends Mary and Simi are in this band together, so she is soon to recruit new members.) All are welcome to share these pictures with WHOEVER you want!
I present to you MATONIX, live:
Madeleine continues to do what Madeleine does:
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