"Mommy, I can't walk, because I'm a MERMAID!" she informed me, slithering her body along the dining room floor.
Julia the mermaid made her slow, slithery way from the dining room to the kitchen to announce to Ethan, "Daddy, I can't walk, because I'm a MERMAID!" and then back through the dining room. Tiring from her army crawl, she hoisted herself up into a chair, declaring, "But I can do THIS!"
"Ooh, you're a mermaid on a rock!" I exclaimed, eliciting a radiant, beaming smile from my mermaid daughter. Hungry for more reactions, she slid back down to the floor and began her slow mermaid slither once again.
"Julia, come and get your bread," Ethan said, buttering her newly-toasted bread. Several minutes passed. Then several more. He just didn't get it.
"Daddy, she can't walk because she's a mermaid," I informed him. "So we need to bring her bread to her."
As we carried out our traditional post-dinner story time on the couch, Julia simply couldn't keep still enough to listen to the stories with us; the sea beckoned her, and she just had to succumb to its call. Slithering around the living room carpet and occasionally climbing up to a rock (the couch arm), she awaited commentary and attention from the rest of us on the couch.
"Ooh, look, a beautiful mermaid!" I cried as she sun-bathed on a rock. Hearing my remark, she quickly leapt off the rock and slithered into the dining room, awaiting my lament.
"Oh, I just saw the most beautiful mermaid, but she disappeared. I sure hope I get to see her again!" Rewarding me, Julia slithered back into the living room and right up to the couch I was sitting upon.
If I had an attention lapse and failed to comment on her amazing mermaid ways, Julia was quick to set me back on course. "Mama, can you keep ackmiring me?" she asked after I had been remiss in my lavish compliments.
It wasn't long before Madeleine was desperate to join in the game too. We soon had two mermaids making their way back and forth along the dining room, kitchen, and living room floors, occasionally getting into each others' way and trying to awkwardly slide their bodies around each other. Madeleine the mermaid appeared to have knees, as she opted to crawl rather than slither around on her belly:
When they're not being mermaids, the girls have been very busy coloring in their array of brand new Christmas coloring books. Julia's coloring experience is quite long and involved, as the My Little Ponies on the coloring page actually talk to each other AND to Julia, requesting certain colors for various parts of their bodies, then chatting delightedly with the other ponies on the page about how excitedly they anticipate their new colors. Julia the stylist has certainly done a great job; check out two of her pony models:
Madeleine, however, is not quite so refined in her color choices:
As I type, the girls have sat down to color together, so we will see what masterpieces today will bring...
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