"Daddy, let's make a tent with blankets and chairs!" she exulted, not pausing to wait for his assent. Taking meticulous care in her set-up, she periodically checked in as Ethan and I sat lingering over our coffee and bagels. "Okay, Dad, are you ready to come in the tent yet?" she would inquire, eager to get her game going. When Ethan could finally put her off no longer, he went into the living room, where he and Julia had a wild and crazy party underneath their "tent." With all her careful tent preparations, I would have expected a more elaborate construction than what I saw, but I guess Julia put the majority of her energy into what fun things she and Daddy would do in the tent rather than the actual making of the tent itself.
Materials needed: brown blanket, two kiddie chairs
To make the tent: drape one end of blanket over two kiddie chairs. Put the other end of the blanket over your head. Voila! You are now sitting inside your tent.
It must have been a smashing good time inside, because Madeleine was itching to participate as well. As soon as Julia had finished up the tent game and gone up to her room, Madeleine ran to Ethan and asked, "Daddy? Is it okay I can go in the ghost?"
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