Friday, July 22, 2011

Walking and bussing

While I have been disenchanted by my forced hiatus from driving, Julia and Madeleine certainly don't seem to mind all that much. In fact, I actually think they prefer our alternative forms of transportation to riding in the car. The most exciting mode of transport continues to be the 59 bus; apparently it is still an adventurous wonder for both girls. Yesterday as the bus approached and we were ready to board, Julia asked me eagerly, "Hey Mom! Do you ever want to try going all the way to the BACK of the bus to sit with me sometime?" What an exciting idea! How could I resist?? After paying my fare, I headed all the way to the row of seats in back, the girls already forging their way ahead of me. As we took our seats, Julia exclaimed with delight, "Oh! So THIS is what it's like back here!" It clearly exceeded her expectations. Who would have thought sitting in the back row of seats would amount to such an amazing, fulfilling experience.

Although we have been making our way around town by stroller (or, in my case, on foot, pushing the stroller) much more often than by bus, we have obviously ridden it enough time that it has become a familiar routine. So much so that my 21-month-old is now calling out, "Bye, fiffynine bus! Bye-bye!" as it pulls away after dropping us at our bus stop. I guess the fiffynine bus has become her good old buddy.

As I pushed the stroller along to swim lessons this morning, Julia began to reflect on my driving restriction, and we had a discussion about it:

JULIA: Mom? After six months is over, THEN can you drive again?
ME: I sure hope so.
JULIA: Why do you hope so? You mean, unless you have another seizure?
ME: Exactly. As long as I don't have another seizure, then after six months I can drive again. Actually, it's already been one month and a half, so in four and a half more months, I should be able to drive.
JULIA: Wait. But I'm four and a half.
ME: Yes. You're four and a half years old. I have to wait four and a half months to be able to drive again. I'll be able to drive in December. So when it's getting near Christmas time, that's when I'll be able to drive again. Can you believe I have to wait that long? Hopefully I'll remember how to drive by the time I'm allowed to do it again!
JULIA: Why hopefully you'll remember how to drive?
ME: I was just kidding.
JULIA: But Mommy, why did you say "hopefully I'll remember how to drive?"
ME: I just meant that it will be such a long time since I've driven, hopefully I'll remember how. But I'm sure I'll remember how. I was just kidding.
JULIA: Well, don't worry, Mom. If you forget how, I'll just tell you, "Put the right key in the car." If you can't remember how to do it, I'll tell you "Put the key in, and turn it and turn the car on."

Good thing I know Julia will have my back. I don't have to worry about losing my driving chops as long as I have her to remind me how to start the car.

1 comment:

  1. Now waaaaaaiiiit a minute!(Inflected as in the song "Shout" sung by Otis Day and the Knights.) If Julia forgets how to tell you how to drive the car, you could always just use Madeleine's space ship to get around to your appointments! Thank goodness you have an astronaut in the family! Love Yiayia
