Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I have been casually introducing Madeleine to the letters of her name for some time now, though lately she seems to be truly catching on. She often attempts to recite the letters herself, and despite a few mix-ups, she's starting to get the hang of it. When we were out to dinner a few nights ago, I wrote her name on the kids menu (which doubled as a coloring page) and she read the letters back to me: "M-A-D-E-L-E-I-nut-E! Madeleine!" Obviously she had forgotten the name of the letter "N" but remembered the picture of the nut from her alphabet book; it reminded me of the time Julia read the letters on my "San Fransisco" shirt as "S-A-N-F-R-A-N-S-Iguana-S-C-O! JULIA!"

Today while she colored at the art table, I wrote her name on the paper she was decorating, and she began making very careful little lines all over her paper, labeling each one with a letter. "M...A...D...C...L...I...N...E..." I took a few pictures of her studious endeavors at writing "Madcline"; if you look closely, you can see the individual little lines she drew all over, each representing one of the letters of her name:

When she wasn't coloring this afternoon, she was busy looking cool in her shades and playing with Little People:

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