Thursday, April 7, 2011


As much as Madeleine's vocabulary has flourished in the past few months, there are still a few words that remain stumpers for her. One such word is "squirrel"; although she has heard the word many times and is incredibly interested in squirrels, she just hasn't quite been able to differentiate a squirrel from other animals she does know. For example:

Pulling into the YMCA parking lot
JULIA: Mama! I see a squirrel!
MADELEINE: (pointing delightedly at the squirrel) Woof?

Today she was even more off base.

MADELEINE: (watching a squirrel in our back yard hop around on the fence, then catapult off into the woods) Where goin?
ME: Where's he going?
MADELEINE: (running after the squirrel) Quack quack! Where goin?
ME: That's a squirrel. I think he went bye-bye.
MADELEINE: Bye-bye! Goin? Quack quack!
ME: That's a SQUIRREL.
MADELEINE: Squewew. Quack quack!
ME: It's not a duck, honey. It's a squirrel.
MADELEINE: Squewew. Where goin?
ME: He's in the woods. He went bye-bye.
MADELEINE: Bye-bye. Squewew. Quack quack!

I can see why she was confused, because squirrels do look an awful lot like ducks, after all.


  1. Ahahahahahahaha. That little honey. I miss her so much. And at least "squewew" is closer than "snow" for Tamara.

  2. If you guys go to the Walgreens in across from my old apartment, you might find a guy with a squewew on his shoulder just walking around the store.
