Monday, April 18, 2011

The Angel Misbehaves

Julia is currently playing with her manger people, who, as you may remember, live in the freezer of her play kitchen. She just ran in and we had the following conversation:

JULIA: Mom! Angel is not the mom, but she's writing all these lists, and that's not a kid thing to do!
ME: Is Angel a kid?
JULIA: Yeah, she's supposed to be sleeping, but instead she's writing all these things!
ME: What is she writing?
JULIA: Well, she saw the clock, and thought it needed writing, and then she was writing all these things, and, Mom, is that a night thing to do? NO!
ME: Why is she writing all that?
JULIA: Well, Mommy, she doesn't want her mom to know that she's doing it, she wants her mom to think that someone broke into her house.
ME: Oh, wow.
JULIA: (talking as Angel) Let's see, what else did I forget to do? (talking as Julia) Mom!! Did you hear that??
ME: I did!
JULIA: (clanging and banging around with Angel)
ME: What's she doing now?
JULIA: Cutting windows!
ME: Cutting windows?
JULIA: Yeah, they don't have any windows. But Mom! She's not SUPPOSED to be cutting windows! In the summer, they just use fans to keep them cool, but she's CUTTING WINDOWS!
ME: Wow.
JULIA: Do you want see what she's done to her house?
ME: Sure. (going in to look at the play kitchen.) Why is she doing all this?
JULIA: I don't know!
ME: Who's her mommy?
JULIA: (opening the freezer and taking out a Wise Man.) Her!
ME: A Wise Man?
JULIA: No, Wise MIN! Not Wise MAN! Because she's a girl!

I stand corrected.

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