Friday, April 29, 2011

Jesus and the Octopus

Julia has been asking me to tell her the story of Jesus lately, spawned in part by Easter (and my telling of the story at that time) as well as the fact that Ethan and I have been listening to the Jesus Christ, Superstar soundtrack in the car with the girls of late. Unfortunately, Julia seems most interested in hearing about Jesus right when we're trying to leave her bedroom at night, so each time I promise I'll tell her in the morning. I guess she must have gotten fed up with my putting it off
and then neglecting to do so the next morning, because last night she said, "Mommy, but tomorrow in the morning are you EVER gonna remember to tell me the story of Jesus, because, like, every day you keep, like, forgetting and just spacing out!"

So, today as we were driving to piano lessons, I suddenly remembered and began telling her the Easter story in as much detail as I could, giving her back story when she needed it, and feeling proud of how well I was able to explain everything in a way a 4-year-old could understand. When I finished, I said, "Is that the part of the story of Jesus that you've been wanting to hear about?" Silence. "Do you have any questions?" I asked, wanting to make sure I wasn't just spouting the story out at her without allowing her to think freely about it. Her response: "Um, Mommy, do you think this octopus is used for sand or for water?"

Yes, that is TOTALLY related to Jesus. I definitely see the correlation. ??!??


  1. Well, maybe Jesus ate some octopus! He was surrounded by fishermen, after all! Love, Yiayia
