Saturday, April 16, 2011

Julia offers the big bucks

While we were in the car yesterday, driving by a nearby house that's for sale, Julia and I had this conversation:

ME: Hey, that house if for sale. Should we buy it?
JULIA: Okay!
ME: We can't actually buy it though, because houses cost a LOT of money.
JULIA: Well, you can use my money from the tooth fairy if you want.
ME: Well, that's very nice of you to offer to share your money, but we would need even more than two dollars. Do you know how much houses cost? They cost about four hundred and fifty THOUSAND dollars!
JULIA: (thoughtful) Well, then, maybe we'll have to wait until all my teeth fall out to buy a house.


  1. oh my gosh that little sweetheart. she's so adorable courtney i can't even take it.

  2. Hahahaha! Those wheels are turning. Love, Yiayia
