I have to admit to only paying her half my attention as she called out inquiries like, "How did that sound, Mama?" and "Did that sound like it wasn't quite right?" I encouraged her and assured her that her squeaky squeaks sounded beautiful, and she seemed perfectly content to continue whistling away without me in the room. I didn't realize at the time that the reason she was not insisting I come watch her was that she already had her own audience. It wasn't until she announced to me, "I think baby chick was the best listener, because Jack-o-lantern wasn't really looking, and he was, like, talking the whole time," that I realized I had no idea what she was talking about. I walked into the dining room to find Julia's captive audience:
I leave you with this final word from the performer herself, who has been hovering over my shoulder the whole time I type, begging to add her own words:
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