Thursday, October 1, 2015

Third-Grade Curriculum Night

Last night was Curriculum Night for Julia's classroom, so back to the school went I to check out 3rd grade. 

One of the most exciting things for me to do was browse inside of Julia's Writer's Workshop notebook.  Not only did I get to see the 40+ "Special People" that she had mentioned a few weeks ago, but I got to see her list of special places as well.

Curious to see if you're on the VIP list?  Take a look. And if you don't see yourself there, don't worry; you can rest assured that Julia also had names listed on the back, and I was too lazy to take pictures of every single side of each page, so you're probably still on the list anyway!  Looks like she left no man, woman or child behind:

Her Special Places was WAY more extensive than Madeleine's answer of "Bloow" shown in yesterday's post:

Again, the list continued on the back page of this paper, so there may be other special places you don't see.  It seems as if Julia was equally comprehensive with her special places as she was with her special people.

I also got to read Julia's "Important Poem," in which she states that although she really loves her family, what she really loves best is swimming:

And finally, I got to check out the classroom family crests, upon which each child listed his or her last name and filled in boxes with activities and subjects that are of particular interest to that child.

Here is Julia's:

Top Left: "My Imaginary Family."  Ladies and gentlemen, the MINTZ FAMILY has made an appearance in Julia's classwork.  What next?!?  Is she going to start writing about their activities in her writing workshop journal?!?

Top Right: Julia's interest in reading, both fiction and non-fiction
Third Row Left: Our house, being blessed by a beautiful shining sun.
Third Row Right: Math equations.  Say what?!?  Julia likes math?? 
Bottom Left: Piano and music!
Bottom Right: Our backyard, with the benevolent sun, once again.

I was so thrilled to check out all of Julia's work, and I'm doubly thrilled that she is letting her true colors and creativity shine in school this year!

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