Thursday, October 8, 2015

School News

Today I got to go to an Open House in Madeleine's extended day classroom and see some of her classwork.  Among the things I perused was her writing journal, where I found this excerpt:

"My Sisters snuggles or squeezes and when ever my mom asks me to walk on her hamstrings I get bored.  Julia and Emily once said their game was private."

I am SO glad that Madeleine decided to share the fact that I occasionally ask her to massage my sore hamstrings by standing on them and walking her feet around.  I'm sure that doesn't sound weird at all to her teacher.  Also, it makes me look like a super-great mother, boring my child enough that she WRITES ABOUT IT because I make her walk on my hamstrings.

Anyway, Madeleine also had an entry on her four favorite farm animals, one of which is the most ginormous pig I have ever seen in my life:

I guess Madeleine loves pig flesh so much that she decided to give this piggie EXTRA flesh.

In other school news, Julia has quite the demanding schedule for the school she runs in her bedroom for her American Girl dolls:

That's a lot to expect from a bunch of dolls, don't you think??

1 comment:

  1. Well, it seems Madeleine is no chicin about expressing her feeling via written word. Julia's dolls are probably thinking this school is easy peasy like doll's play! XO, Yiayia
