Tuesday, October 20, 2015

All About States

Take a look at the latest lists and drawings Julia has made, just for fun, at home over the past few days.  Can you guess what her current obsession is??:

It all started with a placemat I bought years and years ago, when Julia was a little girl, with a map of the United States on it.  She hasn't paid this placemat the slightest bit of attention in all these years, until recently, when she resurrected it from a bin of old stuff and began seriously studying it at every meal.  Next thing I knew, it was a full-blown hobby of hers.  She is frequently found flipping the states map over to the back side, upon which is an unlabeled map of the states.  Julia will then point to various states at random and name them.  She has even asked us to quiz her on the states and she definitely knows them all. 

Julia is also prone to throwing random facts about the states at us at any given time.

"Mommy?  New Jersey is the fourth smallest state."


"Mommy?  Did you know that in Georgia there's an Augusta and an Albany?"


"Mommy?  Austin is the capital of Texas, but there's ALSO an Austin in Minnesota."

Julia is not the only one dropping random facts about states, however.

Walking home from school today:

JULIA: (pointing at pumpkin lanterns in a neighbor's yard) Mommy?  I really like those pumpkins.
MADELEINE: (counting them) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.  Hey!  That's how many MAIN ISLANDS there are in Hawaii!

My kids are probably destined to be nerds.

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