Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Love, Demonstrated

The girls are very different in the way that they express their love.  Julia tends to make room in her heart for everyone all at once, while Madeleine prefers to have an ever-changing favorite for whom she bestows all of her fierce affection at any given time. 

Lately that favorite seems to have shifted back to me, after a long hiatus in which I was totally yesterday's news.  After kicking Auntie Caitlyn out of her bedroom this evening and asking for me, Madeleine lavished me with loving remarks.

MADELEINE: You're my FAVORITE mommy.  You're my best mommy.  You're the mommy of my world.

I'm pretty relieved to get the above superlatives.  It would be *really* demoralizing if I couldn't even win the favorite mommy prize against the non-existent other mommies she doesn't have.

Julia, on the other hand, has an all-encompassing love for everyone in her life.

JULIA: So Mommy?  At school today, we had to make a circle of the names of VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE in our lives, because in our Writer's Workshop, we're going to write about those people.
ME: Oh yeah?  Who did you write for your very important people?
JULIA: Well, if you want me to tell you them all, I don't know if I can do it, because I had a total of FORTY-SEVEN people.

Even though I'm likely one of forty-seven vying for the role of "VIP" in Julia's life, I'm at least pretty sure that's I would also win as Julia's favorite mommy.  Unless she secretly loves the imaginary Mintz mommy more than she does me...

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