Monday, September 7, 2015

Julia Writes

Aside from the fact that she so callously forgets her friend once a new kid is in town, I'm digging this poem that Julia wrote:

The Sad Poem
by  Julia C. Rowe

My heart is aching, not filled with glee.
My best friend left and moved away from me!
Oh, you would not believe how sad I am!
I can barily eat my dinner, cheese with ham.
Oh, my heart is aching, not anymore!
There is a new girl that moved in next door,
And now my heart is filled with glee
'cause I think she would like to be friends with me!

Julia has also started work on a spooooky ghost story about a girl named Laura Inglehopper.  (I'm sure this name was in no way inspired by the Laura Ingalls Wilder books Julia is currently reading.)

The Inglehoppers

"Once upon a time, Laura E. Inglehopper, wicked witch lived in the grave yard.
Her sister, Isabella G. Inglehopper lived next door to Laura.  Those two were sisters, but they faught often, for Laura was a witch, and Isabella was not.
She was just a regular human being, and this made Laura angry.  ALOT!
So, as we're told, Laura and Isabella did not get along.  One day, said Laura to her sister, 'It's time we get along.  Let us reason and let our problams be gone!"

Oh my goodness.  I can't wait to see where this story goes.  I've never heard of a reconciliation of tension so early on in a story.  I'm feeling a bit suspicious and I'm not sure I trust Laura.  She is a wicked witch, after all, so she might have ill intentions.  What kind of a wicked witch says something like "Let us reason and let our problems be gone!"  I'll tell you what kind: A LYING ONE.  You're not fooling me, Laura.  You've got some sort of evil trick in mind to play on your poor, regular human being of a sister. 

I'm hooked.  I can't wait to see what happens next with the Inglehoppers!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you've been watching too much BB! You untrustworthy reader!
