Sunday, September 13, 2015

Clueless Comments

I appreciate the fact that our kids prevent us from getting TOO boastful about their accomplishments by balancing out their amazing abilities with moments of total cluelessness.  Among my favorite clueless moments lately:

JULIA: Mama?  Can we ever watch "Lion King 2?"
ME: Uh, sure.
JULIA: Simba has a daughter in it!
ME: Oh, cool!
MADELEINE: Yeah!  And his daughter is a GIRL!

No.  Way.  She is?! 

(At bedtime a few nights ago)
ME: Julia, can you go brush your teeth and get ready for bed?
JULIA: But I wanted to GAAAALLOP!
ME: Yeah, you certainly haven't had enough gallop time today.
JULIA: (sheepishly) But the Mintz are in HAWAII!

I can now totally see why she needed to gallop.  It's not like she controls what the Mintz are doing with her own imagination, or anything.  If the Mintz are currently in Hawaii, of COURSE she has to push bedtime off; otherwise, she might miss out on thinking about her imaginary family while galloping!

ME: Madeleine, come here, I want to show you something. (opening the newspaper to a page on which she is featured):
MADELEINE: (immediately upon casting eyes on the photo) Awwwwww!  (pause) Uh, Mama?  What is it?

Might I suggest actually giving a thorough look to something before offering a reaction?  Or maybe she was just totally blow away by her own cuteness without even realizing it was a picture of her class, and couldn't help but cry "Awwww!"

JULIA: (wandering into the kitchen at 10am) Daddy?  Can I have snack?
ETHAN: Sure.  Go ahead.
MADELEINE: (holding the barely eaten bagel she had been slowly eating for the past hour) Can I too?!?
ETHAN: Honey, you're still holding your breakfast in your hand.

Why bother being aware of anything when you can just jump on your sister's bandwagon without a second thought?

Oh, kids.  Keep on being your wonderfully unique selves!

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