Thursday, September 10, 2015

Chatterbox Chapter

Usually, Julia is the chatterbox during the bedtime chapter I read to her, interrupting me countless times to ask questions, go get a tissue, go fill her water bottle, go to the bathroom, and what not.  Madeleine tends to listen to whatever chapter Ethan or I read her without much fuss, saving her chattering for the post-lullaby bedtime snuggles.  However, tonight was not such a lucky night for me, as Madeleine proceeded to interrupt at LEAST once per page of a 25-page chapter of "Harry Potter."

Among the things she interrupted to ask about:

-How can ponies write with a pen in their MOUTH?
-How do some people write with their right hand and some people write with their left hand?
-At kindergarten, someone in my kindergarten class said a color, I don't remember who said it and I don't remember what the color was, but someone said it's a BOY color.
-In Power Puff Girls, they all have bangs!  Bubbles has those kind of side bangs, and Buttercup has those regular kind of bangs, and Blossom has those regular kind of bangs.
-Why, in "Muppets Most Wanted," is there an evil Kermit?

The best part was, after I commented on the fact that she was continually interrupting my reading to talk about things wholly unrelated to the book, she interrupted me again to say this:

"Mama, next time I need to ask you a question, I'll go: (in a singsong voice) Iiiii've goooot a queeeestion!"

And don't worry, she definitely remembered to then do the above next time she had a question.  Which was really soon afterwards.

Also, she interrupted once to ask a question about something I had just read, and then interrupted AGAIN seconds later to point out that she had actually, finally, interrupted about something related to the book.

At long last, we finished the chapter, and I left Madeleine to silently chatter to her own self in her mind until she is tired enough to fall asleep.

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, I always thought of Madeleine as the deeper listerner as well. Guess I was wrong.
