Monday, April 21, 2014

Madeleine Writes a Book

Julia is not the only author in our house!  Madeleine completed her very own book today, with the help of her aunties, who printed out the author's spoken text.  Madeleine, of course, provided the illustrations all by herself, in classic Madeleine style.

I don't know what became of the cover of this book, or if there ever was one, because Madeleine wound up scattering the pages in a fit of artistic rage, but I at least was able to put the pages back in order.

Here we go!:

I guess Clara not only woke up to discover lots and lots of hats, but lots and lots of PEOPLE trying on these hats.  I think my favorite hat is the one that sort of looks like an 18th-century powdered wig, on the person all the way on the left.  But I think my favorite PERSON is the freaky looking girl reaching her hand upwards towards an apple.  Because, as Madeleine informed us, this is ACTUALLY a picture of the people all going apple-picking.

 At long last, Madeleine gets to live out her fantasy in which the LITTLE sister is allowed to touch things that the big sister can't.  It's not like that is some sort of subconscious desire or anything.  Julia ALWAYS shares with Madeleine and doesn't EVER totally freak out because Madeleine is touching her things.

I'm not even sure this picture is meant to reflect anything that's going on in the text.  It kind of looks like Jesus is holding up an ridiculously long lizard or something.  I mean, the lizard is wearing a hat, so there's a connection to the text, but...that's about it.

Oh my God.  I can't even summon words to react to this picture.

Wow.  Well, that was DEFINITELY the best ending I could have ever imagined for this story.  18 lyels, huh?  Do I even dare ask Madeleine what that's supposed to mean?

And niiiiice illustration on this page.  Totally sums up the whole idea of Clara waking up to all sorts of different hats.

I guess her illustrative style is a direct reflection of her own eclectic personal style.  As the adults in the house worked on sorting through the various items in our basement in order to clear it out, Madeleine made sure to pick up random articles of clothing and other completely useless objects and then spent hours playing outside like this:

Not THAT'S some serous fashion sense.

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