Sunday, April 13, 2014

Household Convos


Last evening, shortly before dinner
JULIA: Daddy?  Can we eat dinner outside tonight?
ETHAN: Uh, I don't know, honey.
JULIA: Mom?  Can we eat dinner outside tonight?
ME: Uh, we'll see.
JULIA: I really wanna eat dinner outside!  Dad, CAN we?
ETHAN: Maybe.
JULIA: Auntie Shannon?  I wanna eat dinner outside tonight!  Mom?  Do you think we CAN?
ME: I said we'll see.
JULIA: Is dinner ready Daddy?
ETHAN: I'm just waiting for the rice to finish cooking.
JULIA: When it's finished, can we eat outside?
ETHAN: We said maybe.
JULIA: But Dad? CAN we eat dinner outside?
ETHAN: (in exasperation) Julia.  If you ask me about eating dinner outside one more time I'm gonna...cut off your head and roll it down the street!
JULIA: (retreating to the dining room and bursting into tears) But DADDY!  I wouldn't even be ALIVE if you did that!
ME: Exactly, honey.  So do you think that Daddy is being serious when he says that? 

Silence for a moment.

ETHAN: Well, you can try asking me again and find out.

On the way to the ice cream shop after dinner tonight
MADELEINE: Mama!  I see two clouds in the shape of a CROSS! (pointing at two intersecting white lines of jet exhaust)
ME: Ooh, I see!  It's perfect for Palm Sunday!  Maybe Jesus is sending us a message from up in Heaven!  (under my breath) Or maybe two airplanes crossed paths.
JULIA: (enthusiastically) Yeah, like, maybe Jesus is giving us a SIGN that we're gonna have REALLY GREAT ice cream!

Yup.  I'm sure Jesus is taking the time to assure us of that.  I mean, why send a message from Heaven unless it's going to be about something REALLY crucial like ice cream??

Walking to the car after the ice cream shop
MADELEINE: Mama!  I see a BUST of clouds again!
ME: You see a what of clouds??
MADELEINE: A BUST!  (pointing up at the sky at a streak of clouds with a look of reverie on her face)
ME: Oh.  A bust of clouds?  Uh, okay.

In the car, with Julia reading "Harry Potter" silently to herself
JULIA: Hey, Mom!  Dobby just said 'tis!
ME: Oh yeah?
JULIA: Yeah!  Like in "Felicity!"
ME: Oh, wow!  Well, maybe Dobby used to live in the olden days like Felicity!
JULIA: (pragmatically) Well, Mom, this book is from, like, the EARLY 2000s.  So if Dobby lived in the olden days, he wouldn't really be ALIVE anymore.
ME: Well, I was thinking more like, maybe elves, because they're magic, can live for a really long time, or can travel to other times or something.
JULIA: (skeptically) I don't think so.  Besides, Dobby doesn't really SEEM like he's very old.

Yes, I see.  Because the idea of an elf having a non-standard human lifespan is the part about Harry Potter that is unrealistic and unbelievable.  Got it. 

Preparing to go play outside
MADELEINE: Julia!  You have to put on a SKIRT like me, so you can be a princess too!
JULIA: (wisely) Madeleine?  There's something I need to tell you.  Once you get to be a kid who's, like, around MY age?  You're not really that INTERESTED in princesses anymore.  Like, I bet when YOU'RE my age, YOU won't really be that interested in princesses.
MADELEINE: (completely unphased) So Julia, what's YOUR princess name gonna be?

That's right, Madeleine, don't give Julia a choice in the matter.  Shove your princess game right in her face anyway!

And on a final note, I bought Madeleine a pair of pink sparkly flip-flops today to replace the pair that broke yesterday on our walk to the playground.  Madeleine is INSANELY thrilled over these flip-flops.  Can you tell?:

Flip flops to bed!  It's the new slippers!


  1. SDFKLJ$OWIESDJG:G$OWI:RELSDGHK4w boy was THAT not what I was expecting Ethan to come up with but it sure did crack me up that it was!!

  2. PS - I like the new picture of the girls! And I particularly like that it says "backyard" at the top. :)

    1. I fixed it! Now it says "Sisters." Really creative and original, I know.

    2. Haha I just noticed! It's definitely not as creative as "backyard" but it makes a little more sense! :)

    3. I guess I just do smiley faces after all of my comments on this particular topic. :)

  3. She almost got her head cut off and rolled down the street again tonight when it came to asking if we could go out to ice cream for dessert, so apparently it didn't faze her!

    1. Why am I not surprised by that AT ALL!?!?!
