Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Madeleine Amps Up the Creep Factor

Madeleine has OUTDONE herself with her creepy artwork today.  Among her finest drawings of the day:

My interpretation: zombie girl walking around with hypnotic stars swirling around her, while bald ghoul child attempts to suck the souls of the living to add to her soul collection (which currently exists of the one baby corpse she is carrying.)

Madeleine's explanation:

MADELEINE: That little girl fell down.  She slipped on the ice.  Those are the stars that came from her slipping on the ice. Those stars came from her HEAD when she got back up from falling down.  And that girl (pointing to bald ghoul child) was like (gasping sound) by the bugs RUINING their homes.
ME: What bugs?
MADELEINE: The Christmas bugs that are all white so you can't even see them.
ME: And what's this (pointing to the mini-sized baby in the gasping baby's arm) MADELEINE: That's the doll.  The little sister's new doll.  Named Dolly Doll Cut-Cut.  It's in the box, and she has to open it up.

Okay.  So.  Way less garish than I had assumed.

My interpretation: a Phantom of the Opera-esque villian plays the piano and makes his victim dance around like a vacant-eyed, soul-less ragdoll.

Madeleine's explanation:

MADELEINE: So, that's a girl that's SINGING, and she's singing really, really loud.  It goes (pointing to the music notes) AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!  She's also playing the piano.  (pointing to the girl to the left) That's the girl that just came downstairs and said, "Mommy, Mommy, the girls that are playing outside are really getting the hang of it!"  They're making snow angels, Mama.  Oh, and Mama?  Remember "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"

Again.  So much more innocent than it looks.

My interpretation: decomposing corpse-turned-ghoul stands amidst a swirling rainstorm and wreaks havoc all over the world around him.

Madeleine's interpretation:

MADELEINE: That's the river.  And that's the little girl that got STRUCK.  Her hair got flown away, but then it came back, and her TEETH got out, and her TONGUE!  Isn't that so funny?  She lost one hundred...uh...she lost a LOT of teeth.

Okay.  So this one IS almost as creepy as it looks.

Speaking of:

My interpretation: a sleeping/dead girl on the ground surrounded by floating freakish creatures.  Extra creepiness bonus points for the bubble letters/hieroglyphics in the air.

Madeleine's explanation:

MADELEINE: So the little girl got STRUCK by the lightning.  And then up top there's a (singing ominously) "dunnnn dunnnn dunnnn."  And the air and the lightning are still going on.  (pointing to the girl with a square on her head.) That's her hat, and now there's a bubble on her, because the lightning is about to STRUCK her.  (pointing to the two figures on the left) They're going away, and they're really, really sad about their little sister.

Yeah.  So.  That one was pretty much spot-on just as creepy as it looks.

And finally:

My interpretation: the land of misfit humans, some with missing body parts, gathered in a haunting array to accuse those who abandoned them.

Madeleine's explanation:

MADELEINE: Those are all the little girls that are about to go outside.  And they also have (singing) "You're gonna have a smiiiile on that frowny face..."
ME: And what are these letters on top for?
MADELEINE: Oh, those are for the TALKING that they're gonna do.  Because they're like, "Oh, what's this?  What's this?  And what's this?  Wait.  Why are we hanging up BONES?"

Well, I was about to concede that Madeleine's vision for this one was actually sweet and innocent until she got to the part about hanging up bones.  Do the bones belong to the floating head on the right??

Meanwhile, Julia couldn't fall asleep until nearly midnight last night, much to her anguish.  Because she was so exhausted, and because she recently came down with a cold, we kept her home from school today to rest up.  Now, considering the theme of today's blog, you might imagine that some creepy nightmarish imagery was the factor keeping Julia awake.  But nope.

ME: Honey, what's going on that's making you feel like you can't relax and get to sleep?
JULIA: I just CAN'T stop thinking about American Girls!

Yeah, that's a tough one.  Those American Girls, man.  Thinking about historical times is just WAY too stimulating.  I mean, Samantha having a formal lunch with Grandmary, or Felicity at her etiquette lessons, or Kirsten reciting a poem in front of her class; how can one ever fall asleep whilst thinking about such adventures??

Here's hoping to pleasant dreams and a smooth, uninterrupted sleep tonight!

1 comment:

  1. The last picture is definitely my favorite. The first guy is amazing with his shoulder shrug. And the floating head is just so perfect with his doofusy hat and look on his face.

    And ugh Julia. Forget melatonin you need an Anti-American Girl thought drug!
