Monday, January 27, 2014

WHAT. THE. ----

So, Madeleine is pooping on the potty right now, with the bathroom door closed (as it always must be when either kid is pooping in there.)

I just popped into the bathroom for a second to get some hand soap.

Madeleine is sitting there on the potty playing a pretend-play game with a toothbrush. 

Just.  Yuck.  That toothbrush is definitely not getting used on anybody's teeth anymore.

Seriously, I understand that kids don't get the concept of bacteria and germs and what not without being explicitly told what is clean and what is not.  But sometimes I've gotta wonder HOW ON EARTH kids can think certain things are okay.  Like, for instance, last week, when Madeleine had just finished wiping her bum BY HERSELF after pooping, then, before washing her hands, exclaimed, "Oh, yum!" and picked up an old pretzel from the bathroom floor and ATE IT.

I repeat.  YUCK.

Aaaaanyway, as much fun as Madeleine is having playing with Mandy (the name she gave the toothbrush in her pretend play game) and no matter how many times she has saved Mandy from some real cliff-hangers ("Maaaaandy!  Hold on!  I've gooooot you!  Hold my hand and I'll saaaaaave you!"), I decided to take the toothbrushes (that's right, it became multiple toothbrushes after awhile) away, after which she suddenly realized she was done.   (Read: she no longer had any fun reason to stay aboard the pot, so she decided it was time to get off, despite the fact that she had physically finished pooping well before she hopped off.)

So.  That all happened.

On another note (literally), Madeleine informed me today that she thinks Angela Lansbury has a nasally voice as Mrs. Potts in "Beauty and the Beast."  Here, on video, Madeleine demonstrated the difference between the nasally singing on the movie and a much more beautiful version:

Sigh.  If only she had decided to sing on the potty, like Julia did for a LONG time last night, instead of playing with toothbrushes...*

*To the other adults living in this house right now, don't worry.  Madeleine's didn't take the toothbrushes we are all CURRENTLY using, which are still in the toothbrush holder.  She took some of our spares out of the bathroom drawer.  So nobody needs to freak out about butt germs whilst brushing his or her teeth tonight.

1 comment:

  1. SFDKLJ@:$OIWTELSDJGOI#@@WKELSDg I'm crying over that video. The preparation face and breaths before she sings the non-nasaly version was really just something.

    Also the other night she brought her half eaten truffle in with her to poop and Ethan had to give her a talking to about how we do not do that!
