Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Julia Explores 1784

Julia has been reading a bunch of the "Kirsten: An American Girl" books over the past few weeks, and apparently her interest in these books has inspired her to write her OWN historical novel.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:

"Meet Satfier."

JULIA: You know, her name is Satfier, like the shade of red?
ME: Well, a sapphire is blue, actually.
JULIA: Oh.  Wait.  Then is it "Astrid" that's a shade of red?

I honestly have no idea what she is thinking of.

Aaaaanyway, are you ready to find out about Satfier's amazing journey, way back in 1784??
Read on!:

"Satfier's long braid smakt her face in the wind as the horeses pelld the wagon from the long gernie to Texsis from Atlantas.  But Satfier wanted to exsplor the world."

I guess Julia doesn't realize that Texsis was not called Texsis back in 1784, and was not actually a recognized area of land within what is now the USA.  But, hey, the characters are coming from Atlantas, which, as far as I know, is a city that doesn't actually exist, so maybe we can all be free to suspend our disbelief in this story.  I'm ready to find out more about Satfier exsploring the world!

"Finily they reacht Texsis.  'Were are we staying?' ask't Satfier.  'In a cabin made of logs and youv met your casans.  And they live here."

I wonder if their casans are Naduv Amerikans?  Or perhaps Naduv Mexsicans?  Satfier and her family are looking a little too Nordic to be related to those inhabitants of what we now call Texsis back in 1784.  Hmm.

"Satfier's sister Astrid said 'I miss Atlantis.'  'So do I,' said Satfier's other sister Lisbeth."

I think *I* might miss Atlantis too if I had to move from there into the Wild, Wild West before it even was the Wild, Wild West.

And as if Satfier and her family needed any MORE reason to miss Atlantis:

"They reicht the cabin.  All of asuddin, clouds moved in and it got windy.  'It a tornado,' said Mama and Papa."

Oh, NO!  All of asuddin??  It a tornado!  Help!  Run for your lives!!

(I suppose this is terribly perverse of me, but I can't help but think that this picture looks like a belt with hanging off of it.)

Speaking of, Madeleine is holding her own in the category of "my kids and their unintentionally phallic drawings."  She came home from school having made this free art:

ME: Madeleine, what did you make here?
MADELEINE: Oh!  I didn't FINISH it.  It's supposed to be the OUTSIDE.  Outside of town.

Or outside of pants.  Or severed finger.  You decide!


  1. It's DEFINITELY a severed finger!!!!!! It's the exact shape of a finger!

  2. Looks like a flying ice cream cone to me!
