Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Babble Babble Bedtime

Bedtime chatter from Madeleine led me to abandon our usual nightly snuggles and leave her to fall asleep on her own. 

Here are just some of the things she babbled on about.

MADELEINE: But Mom?  Why does the music on the "Hello Kitty" movie sound like this: "Dun dun dun, dun duuuuun?"
ME: Uh, I don't know.  I guess the people who made the movie thought that was the best music for that scene.
MADELEINE: But Mama.  It's too SPOOKY.  It makes me TOO scared of that part!
ME: Oh.  Well, were you scared of the puppet show yesterday?  Because that had some spooky parts too.
MADELEINE: Well Mom.  Who was spooky?
ME: Well, the evil sorceror was pretty spooky.
MADELEINE: But Mom?  Why was he the evil SORCEROR and not...not...not the evil SORCEROR'S STONE?
ME: Uh...because a sorceror is the name of the person who does magic.
MADELEINE: But Mom.  Why didn't the sorceror's stone just have BLUE eyes?
ME: Well, he had glowing red eyes because he was evil.
MADELEINE: Well Mom.  Maybe he just got upset because nobody was PLAYING with him, so he was ANGRY, and THAT'S why he was doing mean things.
ME: Yeah, maybe.
MADELEINE: But Mom?  Why do me and Julia watch my "Hello Kitty" movie EVERY DAY?
ME: Well, because it's your new movie that you got for Christmas, so you're excited about it.  Wasn't that so nice of Yiayia to get it for you?
MADELEINE: Well, kind of not REALLY.  Because...I think we're going to USE UP all the CDs.  Because...I think there's like ONE HUNDRED CDs.
ME: Well, there are three DVDs.
MADELEINE: But Mom.  Why are there so many CDs?
ME: I guess that's how many they needed to fit all the different "Hello Kitty" episodes.

At this point, Auntie Shannon, who had heard the incessant babbling, burst into Madeleine's bedroom.

SHANNON: Is it "babble babble time" in here??
ME: Madeleine can't stop her talking.
MADELEINE: (looking at Shannon and then starting to draw shapes in the air with her pointer finger.)  Mom?  Does she like it?
ME: Does who like what?
MADELEINE: Does Auntie Shannon like SQUARES?
SHANNON: I like circles better.
SHANNON:  I don't know.  Because squares are hard and pointy.
ME: And besides, a circle is the shape of a pumpkin, and pumpkins are the BEST THINGS EVER.
SHANNON:  And a circle is the shape of the earth, and what's better than the earth?
MADELEINE: (thoughtful) Well...GOD!
ME: Good point.  I guess God is better than the earth.
SHANNON: Well, God is a circle too.
MADELEINE: (skeptical)
SHANNON:  Well, God's head is a circle shape.
MADELEINE: (buoyantly) Well, my head is a PUMPKIN head!  But Mama?  Why does everyone want to SAW OFF my head so that I can't be LOOKING at anything?

What the heck goes on in your pumpkin brain, Madeleine?  Just...I have no words.

One thing is clear, though: a New Year may be upon us, but Madeleine hasn't changed a bit!


  1. Sorry Madeleine, guess I should have previewed those Hello Kitty DVDs and warned you about the dun dun dun music and the scary part. XOXO
